Crystals - How to Use Them
Crystals: Learn How To Use Them
To a cleared and energized crystal apply a few drops of Convivial House Cat, or the selected Flower Essence Formula for Cats, or Community Kinship while verbally saying your wishes.
How to cleanse or clear your crystals:
• Use the best water you can. Filtered water is ideal. If you know how to structure filtered water, even better!
• Soaking and rinsing crystals in a rubber dish pan prevents chipping.
• Bless your water with a few words such as "I love my water, I respect water, and I'm grateful for water."
• Soak in room temperature water with a bit of unscented dish soap for a few hours.
• After the cleansing rest rinse them in cool water and pat dry.
• Crystals benefit from an occasional soak to remove dust, blockages, and negative vibrations.
• Another reason to give them occasional baths is that they love the attention!
Energize and Charge Crystals
• Crystals love to absorb the energies of the sun so it's the ideal place to charge them.
• Warm a crystal by rubbing it in your hands and softly blowing on it.
• Place your crystal on a dish and set it where it won't be disturbed. A copper dish is great but not mandatory.
• The best time of day to charge crystals outside is between 9am and 11am. Clouds will not diminish the sun's power.
• Clouds, drizzle, fog, rain or wind will not diminish the sun's power to energize. Any Earthen energy is welcome.
• If you want to take energizing further you can do a Moon Bath at a Full Moon or a New Moon.
• Every now and then go outside barefoot and absorb the Earth's energies and take your crystals with you. Enjoy time in the sun with fresh air. This medicine is free and grounding!
Programming Crystals
• Crystals love to be helpful and enjoy it when we ask for their assistance.
• Crystals have their own "baked in" purposes and abilities. You can expand them by lovingly asking and stating your needs.
• Hold your crystal, warm it in your hands, and softly blow on it to get acquainted and form a bond.
• Speak your wishes and intentions in a clear pleasant voice several times. They love friendship with people and animals.
• After you have spoken your words thank the crystal. Crystals love flowery language.
• When a crystal has completed the desired transformation re-use them for other purposes. Repeat: Cleanse, Energize, Program.
Suggestions for intentions and phrases to use to ask your crystals for their help:
• My cat is calm and no longer sprays urine or pees out of the box.
• My cat lives in harmony with the other cats and people in the house.
• My cat's cells cleanse daily, their DNA is strong for a disease-free body.
• My child realizes that studying and reading are pleasant and beneficial.
• My home is a peaceful sanctuary for all who live in it and visit.
• Those who live here are healthful and happy.
• I feel kinship with all living forms human and non-human.
• I feel kinship with elements, water, the cosmos, the Earth, and its residents.
• I give my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to my crystals.