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Cat Faeries

Good behavior and robust health for the modern housecat

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Cat Faeries Transformation Meditation

Cat Faeries Focused Meditation to Benefit Your Cat

When you live, work, or spend time with others, including animals, our mutual nervous systems are aligned. It’s a sort of collective consciousness that you aren’t generally aware of.

Knowing this and understanding that cats and other animals communicate non-verbally we can project thoughts and images of good behavior and good health during the meditation which will benefit you and your cat. To prove the point of how cats communicate non-verbally: how many times did your cat hide when you were simply thinking about the carrier and a trip to the vet? Right!

Select A Quiet Time When You Won't Be Interrupted

  • * Gather: crystals, Convivial House Cat, a Cat Faeries Flower Essences for Cats formula, and your bottle of Community Kinship.
  • * Spray Community Kinship over your heart and around your aura.
  • * Hold space for compassion and no judgements.
  • *Allow the cat to be near you. To discourage distraction and over stimulation do not engage in play or petting even if the cat wants it.
  • Beginning

  • * Take 3 purposeful breaths and exhale to signify that you are ready for an energy shift.
  • * Keep your eyes half open to be semi-present. Fix your gaze on a nearby object.
  • * Fill your eyes with beautiful images and flood your mind with pleasing thoughts.
  • * Crowd out unpleasant thoughts and worries with more beautiful thoughts.
  • * Another way to remove racing thoughts is to imagine putting them in a box and setting it away from you.

    The real magic is ready to happen! Feline curiosity and transformation.

  • * For the next period of time imagine your mind as a blank sheet of paper with nothing on it.
  • * This is a time of complete stillness. With nothingness void of thoughts or concerns shifts the energy one more time.
  • * This time period gives the cat the freedom to know you are a completely neutral being.
  • * The cat will be intrigued by this. The cat may approach you or remain at rest.
  • * Such silence, stillness and nothingness allows the trauma loops to fade away.
  • * Unpleasant behaviors can dissipate.
  • Every bit of Cat Faeries text is original. It was written by our behaviorist and it is based upon our years of experience with every item we have carefully selected just for you. All of our text and photos are copyright protected. If you should be foolish and dare to copy it, you will be sent immediately to the pound, and hunted down by our legal team who will prosecute you to the full extent of the law. Our intellectual property lawyer was a pitbull in a past life.
    Copyright © 1993 - 2025, Cat Faeries™