How to Use Flower Essences for Cats
Spray on Food and in Water Daily. Anoint The Cat
Put 3-5 drops in food at both meal or once a day.
Put 3 -5 drops in a freshly washed water bowl, daily.
Put a few drops in your hands and gently rub the tips of your cats ears and forehead.
Apply to your hand it run it along the cats back to the base of the tail or pat the tips of their fur.
For hyper-sensitive cats roll the unopened bottle over the cats aura
Place a bottle in the cats bed. Your cat will feel the frequencies.
How to Use More Than One Formula
Rotate by using one formula in the morning, and the other at night. Reverse every few days.
Or put one formula in the water bowl, and another in food.
If you have more than one formula you can anoint your cat with any of them.
If Your Essences Have A Sprayer:
Mister/sprayers allow to you to spray the essences around the house use The Cat Faeries "Here and There Technique." You select several random places per room which do not necessarily have urine stains to give one spray of Convivial too. The purpose is to create a vortex of the healing frequencies throughout your home.
Territorial Rescue and From Bully to Buddy are good for fighting so using Cat Faeries "Here and There Technique" works when you select random places per room which you can apply spray.
I Love My Litter Box can be sprayed on or near the litter boxes, or elsewhere in the home, daily.
Kidney Kitty Special Instructions:
It's never too early to start a cat on this formula. A cat of any age will benefit from the formula.
3 - 5 drops daily in a freshly clean water bowl.
3 - 5 drops in food.
If the cat isn't doing well you can increase the dosing by putting a few drops on a treat.
You can also put a few drops in your hands and gently rub the sides of your cat where the kidneys are located.
Apply to your hand it run it along the cats back to the base of the tail or pat the tips of their fur.
For hyper-sensitive cats roll the unopened bottle over the cats side where the kidney are location, and their aura
Place a bottle in the cats bed. Your cat will feel the frequencies.
Giving to your cat orally if it's necessary. This may be the case for using Kidney Kitty.
Use a ONLY a plastic syringe from your veterinarian. DO NOT USE The glass dropper in your bottle as it could break in the cat's mouth.
Put a 5 drops in a small dish and sprinkle a few drops of warm water over it.
Draw the liquid up into that plastic syringe your vet gave you, gently hold the cat and insert into mouth.
Repeat as needed throughout the day until the cat appears to be better.
Kiss the cat each time!
NEVER EVER EVER use the glass dropper in your bottle directly into the cat's mouth!
Crystals are a delightfully effective way to boost effectiveness.
Cat Faeries crystals can be easily programmed by rinsing them and charging them in sunshine.
Ask your crystal or crystals for their assistance, they have the frequencies to help and love doing it.
Place the selected crystals on a dish or other flat surface.
Put drops of the Flower Essence or Convivial House Cat on the crystals and ask that they beam the frequencies to the intended cat or cats.
Periodically rinse the crystals, recharge them in sunshine and return them to their dish.