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Cat Faeries

Good behavior and robust health for the modern housecat

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What Customers Say About...

Our Convivial House Cat

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Anti Icky Poo

What Customers Say About Our Convivial House Cat

(About Convivial House Cat) Works better than anything else we've tried.


Thank you - this product really works! (Convivial House Cat)


I currently live in a studio apartment (no one-bedrooms available) with my fiancee (he now works from home due to COVID) & my cat Cozy, while we build a house. Until the house is finished, it is stressful to be so cramped together. Once we move, there will be plenty of space for all, and my Cozy girl can go outside again (safely, of course, I'm very careful about that) any time she wants. Until then, Convivial House Cat has been an absolute sanity saver.

Thank You Forever Auntie Cat Faerie,
You really are Magical!


Thank you Auntie Cat Faerie, my daughters 2 cats I have been watching are so much more pleasant now, and my Candy and Taffy are acting like the loving sisters that I missed seeing so much! My girls are more accepting of Princeton now. Thanks to Convivial House Cat!

Debra Y.

(About Convivial House Cat) Thanks again! I want to make sure I always have this on hand - as I use it every day! This has been the one item that has helped me in getting my cats to stop spraying. Thank you so much!


(About Convivial House Cat) This stuff is great! I am so glad to have found you.

Stay well.

(About Convivial House Cat) Thank you for creating this amazing product.


I only bought one bottle as I had my doubts it would work. I've spent so much money on so many other products that never worked after months of use. So, my first day after receiving the bottle, I cleaned up the marked areas and then misted Convivial House Cat. That evening I did my nightly search for marks and only found two spots (out of a normal dozen or more and to tears with having to clean this all up). OMG... could this stuff really work that well? So, the next day I misted 3x that day and I found no marks... NONE... I couldn't believe it. I immediately ordered more; however, before I got my shipment I ran out of my small bottle and he started marking again - not a lot, but in areas that had not been misted prior. So, as soon as I got my refill bottle I started misting 3x a day and this stuff really does work. I'm still in shock and am still doing my nightly blue lighting to see if there is fresh marking but fingers crossed I've found "harmony" in my house! I have 17 cats and only one marks. I truly wanted to sit down and cry when I did not find any marks. I'm a bit OCD and I spend every day scrubbing my new house and washing things he's pee'd on. I am starting to believe I might actually be able to do something other than scrub my walls every day. THANK YOU!


Your Convivial House Cat spray really works. We had a male cat that was peeing on many places in our house, even on my clothes and once when I was holding him. He's such a sweetheart now and loves sitting in our laps and getting pets and loves. Thank you so much!


(About Convivial House Cat) Congrats on your 26th anniversary! We are so happy that we have found you! Our Maggie is a hot mess right now with her spraying. It is time to up our game because the Vet's next step is kitty prozac and that doesn't sound fun at all!


Happy Anniversary! I didn't realize you'd been in business so long, may you have many, many more years ahead of you! I had read in your comments that Convivial House Cat could decrease barbering; well, my Missy had her under-tail well barbered, to the point the vet prescribed Prozac for her for anxiety - and no, I couldn't bring myself to give it to her, I bought Convivial Cat, instead. I am happy to say, the hair is growing back in and along with Love My Litter Box and Territorial Rescue, she's adjusting well to the presence of my 2 new barn kitties, Willow and Pepper. She has sat on the front porch with both of them, giving them an initial hiss and then calmly hanging out with them. Thanks for such great products that really do what you say they will :)


I spray it (Convivial House Cat) on the bed at night so that all 3 cats lay down and don't fight for territory.


Happy Anniversary!!!! Your product is amazing. I have 11 cats inside, all ages and temperments. They all cohabitate amazingly well. I use the "faerie spray" (Convivial House Cat) daily throughout the house and on them directly. I have never seen results like this. Too bad you can't make something like this for humans so everyone can get along. Thank you from all my feline babies.


Love Convivial House Cat spray, my cats enjoy one another with less hissing and are using their litter boxes!!! So happy!!!!


(About Convivial House Cat) Love this product. It really seems to be having a positive effect on my pride of 9.


I love this Convivial House Cat product! Today when I needed to take my cat to the vet, I sprayed the inside of her carrier with it, and she was much calmer throughout the visit. I was so glad she didn't experience so much distress.


(About Convivial House Cat) This item is great!


(About Convivial House Cat) Wonderful, awesome product!


My dear Marina has had a few 'slips' outside of her litter boxes, so I will get Convivial House Cat again. Thank goodness Cat Faeries gives us cat lovers so many options to help our feline friends!


Well I am up to 9 house kitties. Delilah (14 yrs old), lost her caregiver and needed a home to spend the rest of her days. She has been an only kitty and moving in with my other kitties has been a challenge. She is doing well but I am getting low on Convivial House Cat. It makes all the difference between stressed and no stressed kitties. Thank you for keeping this in stock.


We will be moving to a new home in a new state. In the meantime, while we are preparing our old house for sale, we drive back and forth (and back and forth). We had been engaging a cat sitter for our two boys so they could stay in one place, but that became quite an expense - and we missed them!.

I decided to try bringing them with me in my small SUV while my husband drove his large truck with the dog. I knew cat carriers would freak them out for a long four-hour drive. My solution was to put collars with ID tags on both of them, attach the collar to six-foot leashes, and tie each leash to the hand-holds above the back seat.

But my secret weapon (I didn’t know if it would work, but I hoped!) was spraying the car with Convivial House Cat. I also sprayed it onto my hands and petted them both with it. It worked! Absolutely no meowing, no hissing, no upset of any kind. Both boys were calm and interested in where we were going, occasionally standing up and looking out the window (sleeping the rest of the time). I had one Cat Faeries cat bed and they took turns. Today I’m buying a second one for them to each have one - it seems to help them feel stable on the curvy roads.

Thank you for your products - they work!


I reached a point where I was ready to give up on my cat family – the fighting was so stressful and the there was some spraying. I bought Convivial House Cat and Multi Cat Household and it was like magic. Within a few weeks I had new cats! No I didn’t replace my old ones! My cats changed! I’m so grateful to you!

Helena in MO

(About Convivial House Cat) Can't live without this if I want to live with my 10 special needs kitties!!!

Kim C. McC

Aloha Aunty Cat Faerie - I use Convivial House Cat everyday with the rescues - there often is a lot of stress with animals in close proximity of one another and new ones arriving and others being adopted - Convivial helps calm things down around here!! I appreciate your generosity and your products.

Thanks again,
Victoria (Hilo Cat Rescue)

A spritz of Convivial House Cat has been my solution to getting meds down my one cat who hates taking any pills or liquids.

Mary Jane

The cats expect Convivial House Cat to be put on them every night. Thank you!

Dr. Deb

My cats have really calmed down since starting the Convivial House Cat, but there's one (there's always one!) still having an occasional problem. Your products have really helped!


I just want you to know that I use Convivial House Cat at the Meow Mission (TNR) after our kitties come back to us from surgery for recovery. We have 20 -30 post ops every Monday night and this helps to settle them in and alleviate a bit of the stress in the recovery area. I also use it for kitties that might have an extended stay with us for other issues. I know it helps them recover quicker. And of course, I still use it on my rescues at home. Makes life so much better for all of us - feline and human. Thank you so much and thank you for the sale!!


(About Convivial House Cat) Good stuff. Works great. Thanks.


I only bought one bottle as I had my doubts it would work. I've spent so much money on so many other products that never worked after months of use. So, my first day after receiving the bottle, I cleaned up the marked areas and then misted Convivial House Cat. That evening I did my nightly search for marks and only found two spots (out of a normal dozen or more and to tears with having to clean this all up). OMG ... could this stuff really work that well? So, the next day I misted 3x that day and I found no marks .... NONE ... I couldn't believe it. I immediately ordered more; however, before I got my shipment I ran out of my small bottle and he started marking again - not a lot, but in areas that had not been misted prior. So, as soon as I got my refill bottle I started misting 3x a day and this stuff really does work. I'm still in shock and am still doing my nightly blue lighting to see if there is fresh marking but fingers crossed I've found "harmony" in my house! I have 17 cats and only one marks. I truly wanted to sit down and cry when I did not found no marks. I'm a bit OCD and I spend every day scrubbing my new house and washing things he's pee'd on. I am starting to believe I might actually be able to do something other than scrub my walls every day.


Your Convivial House Cat spray really works. We had a male cat that was peeing on many places in our house, even on my clothes and once when I was holding him. He's such a sweetheart now and loves sitting in our laps and getting pets and loves. Thank you so much!


Hi, thank you so much for making such WONDERFUL products. I use Convivial House Cat & several varieties of your flower essences every day.

Here is my little girl Coco. She was full term pregnant and in a dire situation on the streets this time 18 years ago!!! When Coco delivered her 6 babies, 3 of them didn't survive because of her delicate health from living on the streets, until her rescue. I helped the rescue group care for Coco and her babies for months until they were all healthy. By then I fell in love w/ Coco's fun, affectionate, sassy attitude and I adopted her. Her babies found forever homes too. 18 years later, Coco is still thriving and loving her pampered life with me. At 19 or 20, this lady is unstoppable and a great role model for enjoying a long life! The pic of Coco is from Christmas 2017!!!

Los Angeles, CA

For our household Play in Harmony has created the perfect balance with Convivial House Cat. Convivial helped calm a couple of our frisky kitties, but there was still a bit of an edge, so I bought Play in Harmony. A few mists daily is all it takes. Well done.

Thank you,
Ruta in NY

Your product, Convivial House Cat, has helped calm our two boys. They used to wake us up at night running around and reacting to neighbor cats who cruise through our yard.


You might remember Haley, the kitty the was burned because someone threw hot oil on her. Well, she now has a new playmate, Lola. Someone shot Lola and my ferals actually brought her to me . I watched them bring her up the steps onto my screened porch. The wound was infected. She weighed 2.2 #. She is now a healthy neutered kitten loving life in the house along with 5 others. I use Convivial House Cat to keep them all happy.

Thanks so much,

We have had such success with this (Convivial House Cat) and I want you to know how much it helped for the one cat that has been chewing his fur off and the other cat that has been peeing outside the litter box. And the other cat that has been beating up the first cat. ALL of the problems have been resolved. I have to make sure I stay on top of spraying the places where he normally likes to go instead of his litter box. Thank you thank you thank you. It took about a week to see big changes. WOW


Happy Thanksgiving to all at Cat Faeries! My little old girl, Marina, is soooo much improved on Elder Support and Convivial House Cat that she is acting like a teenager in the mornings! Lovely to see her so happy and content.

Thank you one and all

I can't tell you how much I love your products and how much they have helped our little herd of cats. We had five rescue cats until this last February, when we brought home my mother's beloved cat to live with us as I promised my mother I would do when she passed away. Your Convivial House Cat and flower essence drops have been lifesavers! Her cat was surprised to learn he was not the only cat in the world and he really missed my mom, his beloved friend. After four months of working with our now six cats, we no longer have to isolate mom's cat. They are all integrated and he has found favorite places throughout our home. I can't tell you how much your products reduced my constant worry and stress over fulfilling my promise to my mother to love and keep her cat. I will continue to be a frequent customer and sing your praises to all my cat-lover friends and family. You are more than welcome to use this testimonial, if you wish.

Barbara Lynn

This is Valentino. We're not sure how old he is, Vet told us 1 to 2 yrs old when he showed up in front of our garage door on Valentines day 2015, (hence his name) but he acts much older, he's very smart, climbs to very high places, hides in our closets and growls like a dog when someone approaches front door, very different to any other cats we've ever had, we adopted 2 other cats (brothers) so he could have company and ended up having to get lots of your Convivial House Cat for the bully (one of the brothers) and it really works, I'm very grateful you guys offer this product.


(About Convivial House Cat and Feral Cat Support) We have a small feral society (13 to 20 )that we love, feed, spay and neuter, house and try to bring into our lives. So many different ages and stories. Your sprays are working.

Much thanks,

I'm finally getting back to you to let you know that since my order arrived a couple of months ago the problems with our 4 cats have been addressed. It took about a week for things to gradually settle down and I'm still spraying Convivial House Cat every other day and using Multi-cat Household in the water bowls. The cat who was being picked on has relaxed and is actually playing with her toys again. The bully cat still needs more remedies than the others but is so much better too.


(About Convivial House Cat) Heading home to Maine. Our first order has stopped the behavior here in Florida. Bigger home in Maine so getting a few more items.


(About Convivial House Cat) This stuff works pretty well, my longer geriatric kitty Cutie, now 19 yrs old, still has an occasional problem of stepping all the way into the box before going, but it is certainly better than it was. Thanks for all your help and information.


(About Convivial House Cat and Anti Icky Poo) Wonderful stuff. i rescue feral cats, have 25 and they are wonderful animals . Truly, if i had to do it again i would not hesitate, they each have their own traumatic story, but they are happy now and i want to keep it that way so thank you cat faeries.!!!!!!!!!


Love the products (Convivial House Cat). My cats have stopped fighting and I can now sleep through the night.


We recently were found by a sweet little 5-6 month old. We couldn't say no, but were concerned how our other two would react. Thanks to Convivial House Cat and Multi Cat flower essence I think we will soon be a happy threesome (a new catnip toy or two isn't hurting either)! Thank you!


Thank you so much! I have 7 cats and will try the beds next ; ) My first batch of Convivial House Cat really helped with the marking and I tried with just a Feliway diffuser and "no mark" spray - but the Convivial has them all coming out and joining me in my living space....I love your products! Bless you and all your kitties....We thank you for what you are bringing to our feline family and can't wait for kitties to try the catnip!

Best wishes,
Nikita, Tashi, Samira, Tessa, Mukti, Chandra and Krishna : )

We received our order of toys, music, flower essence and Convivial House Cat just a few days before we had to evacuate from our home on the SC coast. One of our two cats was a rescued feral kitten and for the fourteen years we've had her, been extremely anxious in any stressful time, complete with screaming and biting. During our six hour trip and our first two days in a hotel, she has been calm and loving and now living peacefully.

Thank you from all of us!

I'm ordering my second 8 oz refill bottle of Convivial House Cat . You have really NAILED IT!!!!!!! In the twenty years I have been rescuing & having a constant house full of cats & kittens, I have never found anything that works this well. Everyone just "loves" on each other and I have a few "die-hard" markers that couldn't stand it so they peed in the middle of the floor. . . . . . the only place I hadn't sprayed!!!!!!!! What a fabulous product. No multiple cat owner or shelter should be without it. Thank You so much for all you do for the kitties and those who care for them.

Love & Kitty Kisses
Julie & The Brats

We have been using the Convivial House Cat for approximately 3 weeks, a few set backs, however, the daily result is now so evident in how our 4 boys are acting! Aggression and bullying grealty reduced, yea! Seems everyone is calming down, and today is the first day I didn't use it more than once. We are also using the Kidney Kitty specifically for the one who has had a critical bladder blockage but, it goes in their water for all of them. A few drops of Territorial Rescue on their areas. The products have made a wonderful difference in this home sweet home owned by 4 cats!


The litter box issue between my 2 oldest cats was so bad, after 2 years of wrestling with it, I resorted to create a "Geriatric Kitty Ward". A space of their own in which I could clean & monitor them more easily. That was 7 years ago.

I've been using the Convivial House Cat for a mere week. OMG! What is in this stuff? Indeed it IS Faerie Magic!

For 3 days in a row, the litter box has be used faithfully. I spray their food, & THEY wait for me to spray them.

MANY Blessings upon you~

The Convivial House Cat was very helpful for the first couple of weeks (of bringing in a new cat) This has been one of the easiest intros we've ever had. Hardly any discouraging words anymore between cats. Just a little hiss or growl here and there. We were hoping Herbie and Fudge would be friends, since they are closer in age than the others. It's working out quite well, and they do play together. Thank you, everyone!


(About Convivial House Cat and Flower Essence Formulas) I just received my order. I already see calmness in the ones that fight!


I ordered the "Convivial House Cat" spray. Have to say, very impressed with house fast it arrived. Have only sprayed twice... But, so far no more pee... Also, don't know why, but out of 4 cats two fight... There have been no more fights.. It's been less than 24 hours.. So as the old axiom goes, "We'll see!"

Thank you.

We actually have 4 animals, one dog and 3 cats. The oldest is a tortoise shell tabby named Mina. (She is 17.) She is pretty feisty with the boys, but I think that is partly because she has bad arthritis in her shoulders.

Onni (tuxedo) and Tiki (grey tabby) are both 5. Onni simply is a bigger cat, though Tiki often challenges him...which is why I think Onni bites his whiskers. Last year at this time, Tiki only had whiskers on one side. He looked really funny. But I have been reading about the convivial spray and thought I would try it. Initially, I sprayed it every day in different parts of the house. Now I do it less often, though I know I need to be more consistent since they are starting to fight a bit again. I actually saw Onni bite Tiki's eyebrow whiskers which then made me realize that Tiki wasn't breaking them off. Onni definitely is the top cat though. (He also hates all dogs except "his" dog...whom he will head butt and groom.) Onni also has quite an obsession with fuzzy blankets and drags them around the house when we aren't home or twists then into cat nests for better sleeping. (It isn't like he doesn't have several cat and dog beds to choose from though! ) Tiki quite likes sleeping under the blankets when he can get there and will then stay for hours.

I found cat faeries a long time ago when the kitty I had with Mina started spraying because of outdoor cats. I bought anti-icky poo. He stopped spraying and took moving well since we moved twice since that time. Since then too my cats have enjoyed your cat nip toys. :-) Tiki hunts them and brings them to me!


I'm back for the big bottle of Convivial House Cat. After just a few days of spraying with my first bottle, I can see the change already in my 5 "boys." Much less spraying and calmer kitties. That equals happier everyone!

Paula K.

We thank you a thousand times a day for finding a comforting mix for our kitties to enjoy. They love to be annointed as you suggest and they even come in the morning to receive their special dose of Convivial. We're beyond grateful to you!!!

Many, many thanks!
A and M Craig

I am using the Territorial and the Multicat Household and my cat has stopped spraying in the house. I do the Territorial in the morning and the Multicat Household in the evening. I also do the Convivial House Cat spray. It's all working great!


I gave what was left of my Convivial House Cat bottle to my son's girlfriend for her cats, so have to reorder!!


I can't believe the convivial product. I have hope again!!! It's a long story but until yesterday my heart was nearly broken from what was going on. This is a magical product! Truly magical! Happy solstice!!! Dezi...Tibbers, Toby and Blaise ....and I thank you very, very much.


Thank you for Convivial House Cat. I'm sharing a few bottles with friends who have issues with kitties pooping in the litter box, but peeing on a rug or on the bed. I'm confident this will help in both cases.

My herd of 13 are "convivial". Not to say that we don't have our little spats, but there have been no fights. Fur has not flown since I started using Convivial House Cat. Peeing in all the wrong places has virtually stopped. Convivial is sprayed in their food and water daily. When I first tested Convivial, I was using the "here and there" method twice a day - I now only need to spay once a day and it truly is ok if I miss a day. This is great stuff!

R.O. in NY

Hello Cat Faerie,

I have been randomly spraying Convivial throughout the house since I received it two weeks ago. I am rarely hearing growls and hisses from Cara when either Toby or Tony are near her. Not hearing growling and snarling is wonderful!!! Ruby and the boys are "best friends"; Cara has always been feisty & independent.

Thank you!
Teresa S.

We are all doing well with Convivial House Cat. Thanks for all you do! =^..^=

K. R. in Florida

We're loving the Convivial Housecat spray! Since Mody (my sprayer) is responding well to it, I may venture into one of your flower essences and/or crystals because Mody seems to spray when he sees or hears another cat on the outside. It doesn't help that our "cat room" is a big sunroom with glass on 3 sides where my boys can see the birds, squirrels, lizards, etc. Unfortunately Mody sees other cats outside of his sunroom and sprays the doors down quite often. But we're encouraged with your products....thanks so much, and I'll definitely keep you posted.


Absolutely amazing product! (Convivial House Cat) I have been using it since I received it and had no cat fights and no peeing in the sink. But then, I forgot to spray over the last week or so, and yesterday my 2 problem kitty's had a brutal fight. I proceeded to spray it again, including by my bed, and both of the kitty's slept with me through the night with just a little grumbling. PROOF it works! At least in my situation. I'll be ordering more in the next few days and I will never forget to spray it around again!

Can't thank you enough!!

I just wanted to give you an update on our girl Colby. I almost couldn't believe it but the Past Abuse & Convivial House Cat spray works!!!! But you knew that:-) We used it immediately after receiving the products & I swear it was almost instantaneous. She became friendlier & not as scared. She continues to get more & more friendlier every day & didn't even hide when my in laws were over yesterday for Mother's Day. She now greets us at the door when we come home with a little "welcome home" meow. She had 8 teeth removed a little almost 2 weeks ago & we added another litter box & have only had one peeing issue since. Unfortunately it was on the couch & I can still smell it even though I'm using the anti icky poo on it. This happened both Friday & Saturday but not since as I added the Convivial spray to it. I've used up almost all the convivial spray so I'll be placing another order soon & possibly a bed as she's not allowed on the couch again (we're using foil) until it's cleared up.

She also loves her new corn toy & went absolutely crazy with it. We'd never witnessed that & it was hilarious. She looked at us laughing at her & acted quite embarrassed for a few moments but then couldn't help herself & leaped around the room again. I tried to send pics before of this but somehow they didn't go though.

Thank you again for all your advice. It was most helpful.

Rhona H.

Hi friends! We've very much enjoyed your Convivial House Cat spray to help our furry friends get along and behave!


This stuff is wonderful. I think I might finally have harmony among my 5 kitties. And so far no peeing outside the box since I received my first bottle! Thank you!!


We have 13 cats, ages ranging from 8 months to 18 years. Three of the cats regularly don't use the litter box. Maude will poop outside the litter box and only pees on pads and rugs. Nancy does use the litter box to poop, but pees on pads and unfortunately also on furniture. The third cat, Mattie pees on the floor. Convivial kept the rugs and furniture dry. With Mattie, Convivial seemed to relax her and she didn't pee on the floor, she found her way to the litter box. Actually, I think all the cats seemed a bit more relaxed. After using Convivial House Cat, there was a positive change. Many thanks and good wishes.

R.O. in New York

This is a very helpful product. My cat who had started peeing in random inappropriate placed is back in a litter box. Another cat stopped peeing in all inappropriate places. There has been lessening of stalking. It's more effective than other products.

A.C. in California

Convivial House Cat has helped keep everyone calm. Our cats coexist much better. No major fights. We've had no fur-flying fights for two weeks; that makes everyone calmer, especially us. Works very quickly (a few hours!) in helping with our fighting, territorial issues in a multi, multi, cat household. The spray top is a great feature that allows you to atomize the product. Cats are always wary of a dropper.

T.W. and J.W. in Illinois

It helps my cats get along better. It's increasing harmony in the house.

J. in New York

What Customers Say About Our Flower Essences

Hey there. We have been trying for weeks to get our Sr cat Gidget in the bed you sent us. When I remember too, I spray the emotional sunshine mist on everything. I sprayed it today. And my husband moved the bed from the floor to our bed this afternoon and lookie look!!!!! With the heart catnip toy also from you. She looks soooooo comfortable. ??. Priceless. Had to share !!


I just wanted to let you know that I received my bottle of From Bully to Buddy this past Saturday gave some to my Ian who thinks he can run over my old gal Bella and by Sunday night he was a totally different cat. Bella is out and about now and this morning she was playing. Bully to Buddy has done the trick. Awesome stuff.

Thank You,

I purchased the DNA Support formula for my new little feral cats a couple of months ago and it made all the differences. Four days after starting it, Sprite, the wary one began letting me pet her a little. Just two days ago she came and sat in my lap for an hour - and has two nights in a row!


Dear Auntie Cat Faerie,

Several months ago, I ordered "From Bully to Buddy" and crystals. With my order, I asked you questions about the crystals since I had never before used them. We had the situation where one of our beloved kitties, Mimi, was urinating inappropriately and seemed to have some kind of urinary tract issue that we and our vet were unable to pinpoint the cause. I thought maybe the crystals might help in some way. You were so kind in responding to my questions and surprised me by sending extra crystals (!) along with a very kind and understanding note of concern for Mimi's situation.

The "From Bully to Buddy" was for her sister, Lulu, who definitely picked on Mimi. I truly believe that the "From Bully to Buddy" and the crystals helped within just a week! Lulu became less aggressive and mean, and Mimi seemed to be able to relax more than she had in a year's time. We started to see more of Mimi's naturally outgoing and sparkly personality again. Sadly, our Mimi died, suddenly and unexpectedly, on May 16th. We were shocked and remain heartbroken at her loss.

We are adopting a friend's middle-aged boy kitty (Gus) to add to our family. (Two of her other 3 cats absolutely refuse to accept him.) He seems to have a more laid-back personality and, unlike Lulu, really likes human attention. Lulu has stated that she is okay with a boy kitty joining the family and is glad that he will receive a lot of the extra (unwanted) attention we have been giving her since Mimi left us. As a precaution, we are again giving Lulu the "From Bully to Buddy" flower essence in preparation for Gus joining our family. We have decided that we want to do something to support Gus in his transition, so we are ordering "My New Home" for him.

I want you to know how much your kindness, generosity, and special concern for our Mimi's health meant to us.

Janice B.

I've been using your Kidney Kitty formula for 6 months. My kitty is 16.5 years old. she was at the beginning of kidney failure. She just had her blood test yesterday and her kidney is now normal.


My Sam will be 11 in May. Has had urinary problem since 2yo. This is my second 4oz bottle. I put it in his water bowl. He will not drink plain water, has to have Kidney Kitty in it. Thanks.


Happy Anniversary! I didn't realize you'd been in business so long, may you have many, many more years ahead of you! I had read in your comments that Convivial House Cat could decrease barbering; well, my Missy had her under-tail well barbered, to the point the vet prescribed Prozac for her for anxiety - and no, I couldn't bring myself to give it to her, I bought Convivial Cat, instead. I am happy to say, the hair is growing back in and along with Love My Litter Box and Territorial Rescue, she's adjusting well to the presence of my 2 new barn kitties, Willow and Pepper. She has sat on the front porch with both of them, giving them an initial hiss and then calmly hanging out with them. Thanks for such great products that really do what you say they will :)


(About Home Alone Kitty) Thank you. This is my second order. My cat hasn't sprayed in the house since I got this!


Thank YOU! We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your flower essences. Life is good with all 5 cats indoors. They all were indoor/outdoor cats and since we moved and have been using more of the essences on a daily basis, they are quite happy indoors and don't even want to go outside. We have a screened in porch, so that gives them some of the outdoors. Truly AMAZING!

Mary Ann K.

Thank YOU! We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your flower essences. Life is good with all 5 cats indoors. They all were indoor/outdoor cats and since we moved and have been using more of the essences on a daily basis, they are quite happy indoors and don't even want to go outside. We have a screened in porch, so that gives them some of the outdoors. Truly AMAZING!

Mary Ann K.

I reached a point where I was ready to give up on my cat family – the fighting was so stressful and the there was some spraying. I bought Convivial House Cat and Multi Cat Household and it was like magic. Within a few weeks I had new cats! No I didn’t replace my old ones! My cats changed! I’m so grateful to you!

Helena in MO

I absolutely believe Kitty Kidney is key to my three girls' continued well being. Blessings and good health to you and yours!

Mary G

(About Multi Cat Household Harmony Flower Essences) I have 7 cats, 2 males and 5 females. My females do not get along all that well and pee on my rugs. Basically Marlet doesn’t like Holly and Holly doesn’t like Shelby and Tink chases Marley, Holly and Shelby but in a playful way. Fin is sweet and gets along with all and my two boys Indie and Ninja get along with all. Shelby has anxiety issues. They are sometimes a hot mess but I love them. Ages 2 to 11.

Thanks for saving my house!

Thank you very much for crystals you sent with the Kidney Kitty Flower Essences. We love our Cat Faeries Crystals and the Kidney Kitty Flower Essences.

Karen, Harry Potter and Baby Fawkes

I have just welcomed a beautiful blue-eyed gentleman into my home. One side of his face needed many stiches. He was thin and about to give up. He still needs attention to his cheek but he is maturing into a healthy, loving fellow. With the help of your flower essences, he is adapting to a houseful of females. I thank you, as well as Franklin and "the girls."


We are all getting on very well with our new Flower essence and crystals. I have two wonderful kitties, one 10 and one almost 1 year. After adding Cat Faeries to their lives, the older one especially is so peaceful! That's my best description. And at the same time more playful. She was the reason I was searching for something to change her sudden dislike of the litter box. So far, we have had no mistakes. So, BRING IT ON!!

Thanks so much!

Hi. I just purchased your Multi Cat Household essence and it has already made a difference. My two nine year old cat brothers fought every day (though they cuddled most of the day.) Since I've sprayed this essence on them I have not seen them fight once and they seem even more affectionate with each other. Thank you.

Lee in Hawaii

For our household Play in Harmony has created the perfect balance with Convivial House Cat. Convivial helped calm a couple of our frisky kitties, but there was still a bit of an edge, so I bought Play in Harmony. A few mists daily is all it takes. Well done.

Thank you,
Ruta in NY

OMG your products are divine... You had me at the "glass" not plastic dropper in the flower essence! You had my cat the minute i gave him his strawberry catnip toy. Thank You a thousand times over. My furry buddy is doing much better.

Laura C

We rescue, we foster and we build outdoor cat arenas... all for a large multi-cat household that is our family. Recently we bought the cats a big house with lots of play space, but we needed to give them an edge to adapt to all the new stresses. Everyone was trying to "spray their claims" and we needed help! Love My Litter Box, Multi Cat Household and Territorial Rescue came to our "rescue!" They get it in their water and their afternoon wet food treat and things are getting better quickly. The fighting is rare and the spraying is on the decline. We're so glad we found Cat Faeries.

Thank you!
M. Moody

We've been under construction for several months after a huge tree fell on our home causing a great deal of damage. So, to keep Mr. Gatsby calm and stress free while our house is full of construction workers and loud noises, I use the Moves & Changes and the Home Alone Kitty essence in his food and it greatly helps with his anxiety!

Thank you!

Dear Cat Faeries,

I have returned for more flower essences for my gang! I've purchased the multi cat essences in my very first order and unfortunately spilled half of the bottle when I removed the plastic. Clumsy human! (-: I thought I should provide a cocktail of good vibes to my mostly nice, but sometimes not so nice furry roommates. I'm really hoping the constant spraying will be diminished so I can sit down and relax when I come home from work and not have to look all over the house for tell-tale signs of little puddles. Good vibes for all, right?

I have a relatively young (3-4 years), semi-feral cat I relocated and ended up taking inside. Naima has a very odd gait and X-rays at the vet (with the cat being sedated, of course) didn't show any broken bones or fractured hip but an abnormality in a few of her vertebrae. I'm using a glucosamine powder on her dry food but sometimes the other cats steal her food and she doesn't get the meds. By putting the Elder Support in her water I'm hoping she will get her daily dose and have more mobility and less discomfort.

Thank you,

Thank you so much for your flower essences, they have returned peace and harmony to our kitties and our home.


I can't tell you how much I love your products and how much they have helped our little herd of cats. We had five rescue cats until this last February, when we brought home my mother's beloved cat to live with us as I promised my mother I would do when she passed away. Your Convivial House Cat, and flower essence drops have been lifesavers! Her cat was surprised to learn he was not the only cat in the world and he really missed my mom, his beloved friend. After four months of working with our now six cats, we no longer have to isolate mom's cat. They are all integrated and he has found favorite places throughout our home. I can't tell you how much your products reduced my constant worry and stress over fulfilling my promise to my mother to love and keep her cat. I will continue to be a frequent customer and sing your praises to all my cat-lover friends and family. You are more than welcome to use this testimonial, if you wish.

Barbara Lynn

(About Convivial House Cat and Feral Cat Support) We have a small feral society (13 to 20 )that we love, feed, spay and neuter, house and try to bring into our lives. So many different ages and stories. Your sprays are working.

Much thanks,

I'm finally getting back to you to let you know that since my order arrived a couple of months ago the problems with our 4 cats have been addressed. It took about a week for things to gradually settle down and I'm still spraying Convivial House Cat every other day and using Multi-cat Household in the water bowls. The cat who was being picked on has relaxed and is actually playing with her toys again. The bully cat still needs more remedies than the others but is so much better too.


I got some of the Multi-Cat Harmony for a co-worker at the veterinary hospital where I work. She has had a very difficult situation with needing to move her elderly and sick mom's boy cat into her home with Bonnie, her very angry female. I just heard from her last night and they are working like a charm and she is nearly out. Ordering her another now. I was so delighted to hear that this remedy is helping! We will keep you posted!

Thanks so much.

We recently were found by a sweet little 5-6 month old. We couldn't say no, but were concerned how our other two would react. Thanks to Convivial House Cat and Multi Cat flower essence I think we will soon be a happy threesome (a new catnip toy or two isn't hurting either)! Thank you!


Leave it to the Cat Faeries to come up with a mister for flower essences. Perfect. Thank you.


We received our order of toys, music, flower essence and Convivial House Cat just a few days before we had to evacuate from our home on the SC coast. One of our two cats was a rescued feral kitten and for the fourteen years we've had her, been extremely anxious in any stressful time, complete with screaming and biting. During our six hour trip and our first two days in a hotel, she has been calm and loving and now living peacefully.

Thank you from all of us!

Here is Dublin who loves his catfaeries beds - He is a love bug who loves to play, sleep , and steal a bit of coconut oil when he can! He prefers his water with catfaeries kidney kitty flower essence. He is 17 months & 18 pounds of muscle. He was born with a short tail that is bent so he can't jump as high as his brother but gets around just fine.

Thank you for making safe products that we can trust that are made in the USA.


My Maine Coon Oscar is such a joy to me, but I never thought to mention that after surgery 2 years ago, he became skittish, would not let anyone pet him, would not use the litter box, and hid under the bed all the time. I bought the Love My Litter Box and used it religiously for nearly a year. After a year, he at least graduated to peeing in the garage on newspaper. :-) He is now sociable and lovable and gets along with 2 brothers. Never give up!


This is our Bo, and since using flower essences, he has become energetic again, actually feisty! Our Rico suffered from a bladder blockage several months ago that almost killed him and affected his kidneys, however, Kidney Kitty has increased his urine output significantly. Thank you!


We have been using the Convivial House Cat for approximately 3 weeks, a few set backs, however, the daily result is now so evident in how our 4 boys are acting! Aggression and bullying grealty reduced, yea! Seems everyone is calming down, and today is the first day I didn't use it more than once. We are also using the Kidney Kitty specifically for the one who has had a critical bladder blockage but, it goes in their water for all of them. A few drops of Territorial Rescue on their areas. The products have made a wonderful difference in this home sweet home owned by 4 cats!


My two "kids" love your toys and beds. They will both be 16 years old this year but are very active and healthy. I love your flower essences and so do Brut and Maxel. Thank you!


(About Convivial House Cat and Flower Essence Formulas) I just received my order. I already see calmness in the ones that fight!


Hello, You asked that I write back in a week or two to let you know how my kitty Jezabella is doing..Well..I am almost afraid to say it outloud but she is doing soo much better! I added the Calm and Serene to what I was already doing and each day she seems to be responding even better! I add a few drops in her fresh water daily and in her afternoon wet food. All I can say is it was a blessing when I found you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Happy Holidays.


Bruiser is no longer with us as we lost him to leukemia but we will always cherish his sweet memory. We got Bruiser as a little 6-week old kitty but somehow his mother's owner knew he would grow up to be a big gray cat and had appropriately named him "Bruiser". He was also affectionately called our "gentle giant" or "hang cat" as you can see from the picture. As a member of our four cat family, Bruiser was the most laid back of them all. He was a great cat and is sincerely missed.

Thank you your wonderful emails and website. I've ordered some of your flower essences and two cat beds and have been so pleased with everything. I would be honored if you find a place to use Bruiser's picture. Thank you again.


Calm and Serene works on all 5 cats. Bought it for the one and they all improved.

Thank You so much

I told everyone in the chat of TK about it and often suggest folks check out CF for cat behavior issues or preparing for big changes like a move etc.. My big guy Albus loves his Calm and Serene, and comes running when I call out "time for medicine.


I am using the Territorial and the Multicat Household and my cat has stopped spraying in the house. I do the Territorial in the morning and the Multicat Household in the evening. I also do the Convivial House Cat spray. It's all working great!


I just wanted to give you an update on our girl Colby. I almost couldn't believe it but the Past Abuse & Convivial House Cat spray works!!!! But you knew that:-) We used it immediately after receiving the products & I swear it was almost instantaneous. She became friendlier & not as scared. She continues to get more & more friendlier every day & didn't even hide when my in laws were over yesterday for Mother's Day. She now greets us at the door when we come home with a little "welcome home" meow. She had 8 teeth removed a little almost 2 weeks ago & we added another litter box & have only had one peeing issue since. Unfortunately it was on the couch & I can still smell it even though I'm using the anti icky poo on it. This happened both Friday & Saturday but not since as I added the Convivial spray to it. I've used up almost all the convivial spray so I'll be placing another order soon & possibly a bed as she's not allowed on the couch again (we're using foil) until it's cleared up.

She also loves her new corn toy & went absolutely crazy with it. We'd never witnessed that & it was hilarious. She looked at us laughing at her & acted quite embarrassed for a few moments but then couldn't help herself & leaped around the room again. I tried to send pics before of this but somehow they didn't go though.

Thank you again for all your advice. It was most helpful.

Rhona H.

Recently got the Multi Cat essence and Cat Crystals and the kitties and I are hooked!!! Thank you SO much for everything, you've helped make it possible for all the boys to live harmoniously together! Thank you!!! Xo


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Wonton is responding so well to your gift of Past Abuse flower essences and I'm taking it too. She LOVES her crystal and when I asked her to choose between that and other new crystals and stones I'd received, she picked HER crystal each time and plays with it. The other cats in the household are also very open to being anointed with the drops too. There is a definite change in the house. Today is also the first anniversary of my leaving that abusive marriage so we're both celebrating. Thank you so much for your thoughtful words in your last note.

Love and Light

What Customers Say About Our Cat Toys

Hey there. We have been trying for weeks to get our Sr cat Gidget in the bed you sent us. When I remember too, I spray the emotional sunshine mist on everything. I sprayed it today. And my husband moved the bed from the floor to our bed this afternoon and lookie look!!!!! With the heart catnip toy also from you. She looks soooooo comfortable. ??. Priceless. Had to share !!


Much to my surprise, my eldest cat Sally (17) really likes the chinchilla. She hasn't been herself lately, showing signs of slowing down. So to see her like this was very nice.

Thank you Cat Faerie!

Hi there!

We wanted to share a picture of all the happy cats upon the opening of the box full of cat toys. Thank you for your quality toys.

PS : look under the chest. He didn't want to share.

Kind regards

This cat was getting inside of a box that contained a bunch of Cat Faeries toys! Her name is Midge. Her Maids name is Patti.

Just wanted to let you know that my Kitties LOVE the cat faeries toys!!!!! Especially the asparagus and the wizard wand. Well, really all of them!!!! Thank you for such a wonderful product!


love your products...especially your toys!

Pekoe the cat

In October I brought 2 black kitties (mom and daughter) in after they had been hanging around since spring. Mom cat was already pregnant with at least her third litter and gave birth to 5 healthy babies this week. My remaining 15 1/2 year old kitty is tolerating the additions. But I thought it was time for more toys, including enough to send one home when each baby is adopted in the new year. Thanks for making such great toys!

Mary Jane

I wanted to let you know that both kitties are enjoying their grab bag of catnip toys. So far the favorites seem to be the vegetables – especially the as-purr-a-gus and the chili pepper. In fact, the asparagus got so much love from one of my boys that I had to repair a rip. Maybe he thought he could eat it? He does love to get a bit of spinach when I'm making a salad.


Here are pictures... My mom is sure this is a cat faeries box... there are catnip snowballs and a mouse toy inside the box where Malia is standing.


OMG your products are divine... You had me at the "glass" not plastic dropper in the flower essence! You had my cat the minute i gave him his strawberry catnip toy. Thank You a thousand times over. My furry buddy is doing much better.

Laura C

Bentley's new bed and toy. She loves them both!


I absolutely LOVE your products and so do my children - they especially love the long catnip toys - I will be with you for as long as you are in service.

Thank you

I couldn't let calico month go by without sending in Juno. She turned 16 this month, and she's my favorite bossy old lady. (Pictured here with one of her favorite Cat Faeries toys (a catnip fried egg)!)


Molly and her catnip bunny! She's eight years old, loves to cuddle, hide under blankets, and catch lizards.


Chessie and her Christmas cat toys!


Here is Fudge with his favorite Cat Faeries catnip pumpkin. They all play with this great toy, and it is still holding up well after a couple of years. When I don't see the pumpkin for a while, I know it's gone under the furniture somewhere, and it's time to get the grabber tool out and retrieve their toy stash. Fudge is about 8 years old now, a rescue who was an amazing addition to our household about 5 years ago. He and his buddy Herbie (a long-haired cow kitty) create a lot of cat thunder here, and a cloud of tumblefur every day. Happy Halloween to all the black kitties out there!


We received our order of toys, music, flower essence and Convivial House Cat just a few days before we had to evacuate from our home on the SC coast. One of our two cats was a rescued feral kitten and for the fourteen years we've had her, been extremely anxious in any stressful time, complete with screaming and biting. During our six hour trip and our first two days in a hotel, she has been calm and loving and now living peacefully.

Thank you from all of us!

Harry in his cat faeries bed with his wizard wand. Everyone loves Harrys new bed.....I am going to have to get one in green so they leave Harrys for Harry!


Guinness with his fav eclair.


Look at my babies with their presents! Thanks!


Sadie lovin' her asparagus!


Two cats in our beds with one of our catnip birds.

Autry with her asparagus!


Yes, it is one of your tacos that Tinkerbelle has!!


Bandit is a shelter cat (Cats in Distress) awaiting his forever home. He LOVES the Faery toy!


Had to show you Bud's reaction to his new toy. Of course several of the girls smelled the box and gave me sorrowful eyes. Maybe next paycheck everyone can get new cat faerie toys!

Wish us luck.

You are a sly one, Ms. Cat Faery! Not only did I find a catnip tomato in the box with my Convivial House Cat spray yesterday, I also spied a pretty little quartz crystal that has a lovely energy! You didn't have to do that! Such a sweet surprise. Thank you so much!!

Fudge, Pixie, and Newton have all been playing with the tomato, and I know the others will find it soon. It's the perfect toy. Fudge bunny-kicks everything, so it's already covered in cat fuzz!

Here's a pic of Pixie with the tomato this morning. She was playing with it, but is a little suspicious of me with the camera. We celebrate her birthday today, so I'm glad she got the chance to play with it. She is 12, and is probably sleeping it off now.

Have a lovely day!

This is Weety. He was born in St Augustine FL, but after 6 years moved north to Connecticut. He misses the A/C in the summer but loves his Cat Faeries bird toy.


-- no catnip bunnies but she and her two greatgrandkids -- Cooper and Bethel -- have an Aspurragus and a catnip Garli Flower -- they love them! Here is a picture of the g-grandkids Cooper and Bethel -- you'll notice the Garli Flower in the background -- they were having a catnip party for Bethel's 2nd b-day party the end of January :-)


Jiminy LOVES his new toy!! Aloha!!



This is my newest boy, King Louie. He was rescued off the streets 3 weeks ago at 10 oz, approximately 2-3 weeks old, and with a right eye that didn't develop properly. He is thriving at 1 1/2 lbs and loving new smells and toys! This is his first Cat Faerie toy.

Thank you all! Xxoo

Hello Cat Faery,

We have a new pussycat! We've had him home for almost a week, and we're making the adoption final at our vet clinic tomorrow (Tuesday). He was left there by his owner, and has been looking for his furever home for a couple of months. He is getting used to his new name—Herbie, and is feeling pretty much at home now. He's a little shy, and the others are not completely happy with him yet, but we are sure it will all work out. He's a young guy—about a year old, so he's pretty energetic and a little sassy. I'm sure he will climb into that Cat Faeries bed for a snooze one day soon! Hope Herbie has enough white on him to qualify for posting in White Cat month!!


My two "kids" love your toys and beds. They will both be 16 years old this year but are very active and healthy. I love your flower essences and so do Brut and Maxel. Thank you!


We actually have 4 animals, one dog and 3 cats. The oldest is a tortoise shell tabby named Mina. (She is 17.) She is pretty feisty with the boys, but I think that is partly because she has bad arthritis in her shoulders.

Onni (tuxedo) and Tiki (grey tabby) are both 5. Onni simply is a bigger cat, though Tiki often challenges him...which is why I think Onni bites his whiskers. Last year at this time, Tiki only had whiskers on one side. He looked really funny. But I have been reading about the convivial spray and thought I would try it. Initially, I sprayed it every day in different parts of the house. Now I do it less often, though I know I need to be more consistent since they are starting to fight a bit again. I actually saw Onni bite Tiki's eyebrow whiskers which then made me realize that Tiki wasn't breaking them off. Onni definitely is the top cat though. (He also hates all dogs except "his" dog...whom he will head butt and groom.) Onni also has quite an obsession with fuzzy blankets and drags them around the house when we aren't home or twists then into cat nests for better sleeping. (It isn't like he doesn't have several cat and dog beds to choose from though! ) Tiki quite likes sleeping under the blankets when he can get there and will then stay for hours.

I found cat faeries a long time ago when the kitty I had with Mina started spraying because of outdoor cats. I bought anti-icky poo. He stopped spraying and took moving well since we moved twice since that time. Since then too my cats have enjoyed your cat nip toys. :-) Tiki hunts them and brings them to me!


Sam loves his garli-flower!


Here is a new photo of my 12-year old tuxedo, mehitabel with her new best friend, mouse (thanks to Cat Faeries!). I think her ancient, regal heritage shines through in this photo; her middle name is Cleopatra.


This is Bella, rescued at 8 years old. As you can see she loves her asparagus and loves everything from Cat Faeries so she said to tell you thank you for all the toys and potions that make me feel good. With lots of hugs and much love.


This is what happens when a new Cat Faeries toy comes into the house.


Alivia, enjoying your toys.

This is Twinkie, our first orange (red classic) tabby! He and his tortie siblings are 11 years old now. They still love the original Cat Faeries corn toy we got years ago.


My cats love them too (Cat Faeries toys). Weety and his hamster.


I just wanted to let you know, Sally loves the toy. Once I showed her the carrot though, the tomato was old news. Sally is the eldest of my pride at age 11, but she became a kitten when I gave her this. In fact, all of my cats loved your cat nip toys, I will buy only from you in the future.


Mr. Fluff. He loves his blue bunny!


Here's a pic of Purricane with one of the new catnip birds. He was already sacked out in the green bed when the new stuff arrived. The catnip woke him right up!


Dear Cat Faeries,

Thank you and bless you for your wonderful site and its excellent products. My Annie loves the 4 catnip toys which arrived today, especially her purple bunny and her shimmering Indian corncob. She started playing with them all as soon as we opened the box.

Happy Summer,
Margaret and Annie

I did not see the catnip strawberry but Seraphina snffed it and pawed through the package. It is now in her secret cache of toys. Thanks! Anti-Icky Poo etc. cured our litter box problem. I now use it when I clean the litter pans. Do advise your customers that this product is useful in this way.


Greetings! The as-purr-agus is always a favorite in this house!! Well Saturday we had snow here in Colorado And your package arrived, four of the five Wells cats in heaven thinking it was Christmas all over again! My old cat just doesn't get excited over anything...way past that, why get out of the chair? Refreshed the intact older toys with the catnip spray so a very content feline house!! Many thanks from me and many purrs from my kitties.

Teresa W.

can all items be your purple carrots? this is miss priss favorite, she brings them to me in bed at night! sometimes it is a three or four carrot night! she loves, loves, loves your catnip toys! thanks you so much for making her so happy!


I am so happy the As-purr-agus is back! Missus will be thrilled since her doggy sister chewed up her other one! Horray for Cat Faeries!


For the Cat Toys: could you please give me at least 2 strawberries for the "round" toys? I have 3 cats and for some reason (according to them) those darn strawberries are the greatest thing since catnip. Your toys are the only ones they play with consistently!


You're the best resource for kitties and especially troubled kitties and your toys are my 'kids' favorites! they start trying to open the shipping container as soon as it's in the door. Thanks!


What Customers Say About Our Cat Beds

Hey there. We have been trying for weeks to get our Sr cat Gidget in the bed you sent us. When I remember too, I spray the emotional sunshine mist on everything. I sprayed it today. And my husband moved the bed from the floor to our bed this afternoon and lookie look!!!!! With the heart catnip toy also from you. She looks soooooo comfortable. ??. Priceless. Had to share !!


Auntie Cat Faerie,

Thank you for your help today. The bed is obviously perfect.


Mats and Harry snuggling in their Cat Faerie bed. Note that there's another available, but it's more cozy to share, i guess! And they fit!!!??


Meet Nikee! A very adorable doggie who loves his new Cat Faeries bed - notice how dog and bed match! Nikee has great fashion sense!

"Hello! Our little dogs also love your cat beds. We now have three! One for the cat and two for the dogs. Thank you for this snuggly bed!! (This is Nikee.)"

We will be moving to a new home in a new state. In the meantime, while we are preparing our old house for sale, we drive back and forth (and back and forth). We had been engaging a cat sitter for our two boys so they could stay in one place, but that became quite an expense - and we missed them!.

I decided to try bringing them with me in my small SUV while my husband drove his large truck with the dog. I knew cat carriers would freak them out for a long four-hour drive. My solution was to put collars with ID tags on both of them, attach the collar to six-foot leashes, and tie each leash to the hand-holds above the back seat.

But my secret weapon (I didn’t know if it would work, but I hoped!) was spraying the car with Convivial House Cat. I also sprayed it onto my hands and petted them both with it. It worked! Absolutely no meowing, no hissing, no upset of any kind. Both boys were calm and interested in where we were going, occasionally standing up and looking out the window (sleeping the rest of the time). I had one Cat Faeries cat bed and they took turns. Today I’m buying a second one for them to each have one - it seems to help them feel stable on the curvy roads.

Thank you for your products - they work!


Luna says "if I can't have my own faerie bed, I'll smoosh in between them!"

Mats and Harry snuggling in their Cat Faerie bed. Note that there's another available, but it's more cozy to share, i guess! And they fit!!!??


Three cats, two faeries beds. Works for me. Works for them!


Fiona wishes to express her gratitude to Cat Faeries for helping her to overcome her coming perilously close to crossing over to the Rainbow Bridge by using their amethyst cat crystal and golden healing crystal in her drinking water and the comfort of her new Cat Faeries bed she received for Christmas, along with her mom and her unconditional love for each other.


Bentley's new bed and toy. She loves them both!


What Customers Say About Our Crystals

Dear Auntie Cat Faerie,

Several months ago, I ordered "From Bully to Buddy" and crystals. With my order, I asked you questions about the crystals since I had never before used them. We had the situation where one of our beloved kitties, Mimi, was urinating inappropriately and seemed to have some kind of urinary tract issue that we and our vet were unable to pinpoint the cause. I thought maybe the crystals might help in some way. You were so kind in responding to my questions and surprised me by sending extra crystals (!) along with a very kind and understanding note of concern for Mimi's situation.

The "From Bully to Buddy" was for her sister, Lulu, who definitely picked on Mimi. I truly believe that the "From Bully to Buddy" and the crystals helped within just a week! Lulu became less aggressive and mean, and Mimi seemed to be able to relax more than she had in a year's time. We started to see more of Mimi's naturally outgoing and sparkly personality again. Sadly, our Mimi died, suddenly and unexpectedly, on May 16th. We were shocked and remain heartbroken at her loss.

We are adopting a friend's middle-aged boy kitty (Gus) to add to our family. (Two of her other 3 cats absolutely refuse to accept him.) He seems to have a more laid-back personality and, unlike Lulu, really likes human attention. Lulu has stated that she is okay with a boy kitty joining the family and is glad that he will receive a lot of the extra (unwanted) attention we have been giving her since Mimi left us. As a precaution, we are again giving Lulu the "From Bully to Buddy" flower essence in preparation for Gus joining our family. We have decided that we want to do something to support Gus in his transition, so we are ordering "My New Home" for him.

I want you to know how much your kindness, generosity, and special concern for our Mimi's health meant to us.

Janice B.

The crystals helped so much when I hit my head that I just have to have these, too! Thanks so much for bringing them to everyone.


I've bought two of these last month (carved Amethyst crystal cats) and I'm back for another one! I love them! I plan to have them all around my house! They are not only beautiful but everyone here feels more positive! The cats too! So happy!


Only Cat Faeries would find something as beautiful as these carved Amethyst cats! I've collected 3 of them so far and I asked my husband to buy me another one for our anniversary! Even my cats like them - I put one near their water bowl!


Oh, the amethyst cat face arrived just an hour ago and look at all the rainbows that popped out when I held it. It feels so wonderful in my palm it is difficult to put it down. Thank you so very much for knowing this lovely one was for me. I love crystals, especially the quartzes. My house is full of beautiful crystalline spirits and this special one is right at home.

I also was over the moon with the generous gift of the aura quartz you included with the fantastic! grab bag with so many golden healers. Pure Heaven. I sat for several hours transcribing information from the record keepers on the small sunshine aura (?) crystals. I have not worked with these auras before, I love them. My cats, Jeffy and Gwen, highly approve of the catnip toys! We have both of the cat cds and we listen to one every morning. Also I cannot imagine not having a bottle of anti-icky poo (and a spare) in my home.

Life is good and even better with cat faeries! I so enjoyed the chat last week. It really helps to know there are kindred spirits out there.

I am an empath (and a slow learner it seems) so I spent most of these 62 years confused about what was me and what was others' to deal with. But all my spirit seeks these days is to delight myself in all ways big and small. What a great upgrade! Wishing you many moments of unbridled joy, feline and human.

With love,

"Hi Auntie Faerie! I wanted to send a quick hello and to thank you for the carefully selected crystals and stones! I am looking forward to "getting to know" them and am so appreciative of the handouts to guide me.... I have already placed the goldstone heart in Lance's bed....he is my Prince, my first kitten I ever raised (i got him at about 4 weeks old, a landscaper neighbor found him in the grass he was mowing, thought he was a rock and when he went to move it, the "rock" jumped a bit....he had two Rottweilers and they were "eyeing" Lance, so they brought him to me. Love at first sight...) He is now 19, and still doing quite well, but there are "signs" ... I cherish every day I have with him. I look forward to putting some time aside this weekend to explore the rest of the crystals, and bundle them for some friends and family. And then doing some of my own magic as well. The star snowflake obsidian is mine. It went in my pocket immediately, and will be with me daily. I love the flat kitten carved face as seems so fragile, though, so I must find a way to keep it safe... Again, looking forward to getting to know her and her properties. Thank you so, for the individual and careful thought you put into these hand picked crystals and information sheets. We feel very warm and loved up.

Peace, cats, and bunny love to you and yours,

We are all getting on very well with our new Flower essence and crystals. I have two wonderful kitties, one 10 and one almost 1 year. After adding Cat Faeries to their lives, the older one especially is so peaceful! That's my best description. And at the same time more playful. She was the reason I was searching for something to change her sudden dislike of the litter box. So far, we have had no mistakes. So, BRING IT ON!!

Thanks so much!

Just had to let you know the Amethyst Cat shaped crystal was beyond beautiful! I am so drawn to it that I have it right next to my bed! When I opened the package I set it on my bed and my kitty Gracie must have smelt something because she was loving on the beautiful tissue paper! Again thank you for such a beautiful Amethyst Kitty!


Hello to all at Cat Faeries people,

Thank you so much for that bottle of crystals and water for our cancer cats: Simon and Wyatt. We had to take Simon to another Doctor, so we sprayed the mist and he was as calm and wonderful, and even more so than usual. We cannot thank you all enough for all the wonderful things you do for cats and especially supporting us with ours.

Thanks again,
The Gentry Family: Ikaika, Whisper, Wyatt, Simon, Waffles, Willow and Vixen; Meow and of course us humans:

I love your crystals. They have helped my kitties and our family very much so I would never want to be without them.

Margie P.

Fiona wishes to express her gratitude to Cat Faeries for helping her to overcome her coming perilously close to crossing over to the Rainbow Bridge by using their amethyst cat crystal and golden healing crystal in her drinking water and the comfort of her new Cat Faeries bed she received for Christmas, along with her mom and her unconditional love for each other.


What Customers Say About A Community of Survivors

Here we have pretty, 6 year old, Bi-color, Ragdoll, Queenie just after receiving her daily Community of Survivors Heart and Aura spray...You can see the angst of this current age just melting away into Bliss.

Blessings to all,

Actually I had a very interesting experience with A Community of Survivors! When it arrived we were dealing with a 15 yr old kitty who had abruptly been refusing to eat for nearly a week. No apparent reason. We had resorted to syringe feeding (which she despised) because there was nothing wrong with her, except she wouldn't eat. And we were trying everything and anything to tempt her. Excellent bloodwork, a bunch of other tests came back showing nothing wrong, vet was stumped, said "We have a perfectly healthy cat here who won't eat!" She had lost so much weight we knew it was a matter of days before we either had to make a decision or she would simply starve to death. I had just opened the bottle and sprayed a crystal that she helped me pick out specifically for her and she was immediately quite interested in the spray, so I went even further, rubbing her, programming the crystal, the usual protocols. She had watery diarrhea that night and again the next morning, but began to eat some that morning. Since then her appetite has returned to normal, as well as her stool. She now looks for me to bring in the bottle for her "treatment". I think that says it all!

Karen, pilot, horse trainer, and cat-mom

What Customers Say About Our Energy Healing

Look who jumped up on my lap today by himself! Thanks again for your help with him.


What Customers Say About Cat Faeries

The cats like Cat Faeries packaging!


(About Meow Mist Catnip Hydrosol) Meepy LOVES anything spayed with it! It's her party in a bottle! Thank you SO much for the extra real catnip bud! She's been rolling on the paper it came in every waking moment since it came in, and tossing the bud around! (I put the bud in a little "bud bag" for her!)


My girl, Honey, is approaching 20 and the products have helped her!


Happy Anniversary Cat Faeries! We wish you all the very best! Thanks for all your purrfect products!


Congratulations on 26 years of great advice and information all for the love of cats and their beloved owners!


Always look forward to your newsletter every month. Love the featured kitties of the month, my babies (both here and There) have been in there a time or two! Great job, and Thank You for all you do!


Thank you for sharing your knowledge and providing great products that keep our household of 14 in harmony. Best wishes on your anniversary.


We are all doing perty good right now.Hope you and yours are too.😊😘


Congratulations on 26 years!!! Love Love Love all of the info you provide in your emails. The pics of all of the lovely cats are heaven to see upon opening. Thanks for all of your hard work. Blessings to all


I am so glad I found your site years ago! Congratulations on your milestone! I tell my cat-loving friends about your site!

Terri Sue

Congratulations for 26 years! My kitties LOVE your products!


i have used your products before , different state . i always recommend you highly

Barbara Y.

I just want you to know that I look forward to your newsletter, videos, product ads, and humor. I'm always smiling as I read the latest newsletter. I often forward them to family and friends. Your sense of humor makes me laugh. Fellow cat lovers appreciate your desire to spread the love of our feline best friends.


Life is a lot easier when I have your products in the care of my 8 cats.


All of your products are wonderful. I always feel I'm doing my best for my cats when I give them something from Cat Faeries!


For facebook newsletter etc etc

I just wanted to thank all of the Cat Faeries for your kindness and generosity (gifts for Haley which she absolutely loves), the support you offer and your wonderful products. I can't wait for Tuesday to roll around each week so I can enjoy your newsletter. It always makes my day. You are so appreciated.


Thank you Cat Faeries for all the great products and information you bring us. We're grateful.

Patricia in Virginia

OMG your products are divine... You had me at the "glass" not plastic dropper in the flower essence! You had my cat the minute i gave him his strawberry catnip toy. Thank You a thousand times over. My furry buddy is doing much better.

Laura C

Thanks for all the awesome products, I recommend you guys to all the cat people I meet :). I do need a sprayer, I gave my anti icky poo to my mom, whose poodle is the recipient of the bed I'm buying. Please let me know when you get the inserts back, or if you happen to make bigger inserts that might be good for a dog in the car (she lives in Iceland, the floor gets cold). Keep up the good work!


This website has great cat tips and products.


Loved your comments on my previous order. We're now headed in the right direction. I think you're extraordinary! Thank you so much.


Wow! Thank you so much. I'll make an appt for Chloe to see the vet. It's rare to find an individual such as yourself whose concern seems quite genuine and not profit driven. How refreshing. I look forward to receiving the remedy. I'll keep in touch and ask for an energy session at another time. I have bought products from Cat Faeries in the past and I am so lucky to have found you. There is no other company that can hold a candle to you, your staff, your products, and your knowledge.

Love, Candice
And Chloe, Bandit, and Domino

Love all your products:)


Your spiritual nature and love of our animal friends is only one of the reasons I like to purchase from you.

Enjoy the day and thanks,

Love your products and the cats toys provide great joy for my cats!

Belen T

Thank you so much for your wonderful products! They work so well! There is a more peaceful environment at home now.


Thank you for such complete information, and some clear guidance so my cat & family can coexist!


Very happy with your company, newsletters and personalized help! Having a little trouble with "inappropriates" at home but these do the trick! Thanks!


Thank you for all your help over the years and for selling great products! Mizu is a completely different cat since he was fixed in September. He plays like a kitten!


Thank you for the informative descriptions and advice posted on this site.


Thank you for all of your help through emails. I am following your advice and things are calming down.

Many thanks!

We love Cat Faeries! Our kitties do, too. Thank you for your products!


THANK YOU SO MUCH! looking forward to more harmony and less "FRAGRANCE" :)


Love your stuff. This is my third order and I will be back for more. Thank you so much.


Every bit of Cat Faeries text is original. It was written by our behaviorist and it is based upon our years of experience with every item we have carefully selected just for you. All of our text and photos are copyright protected. If you should be foolish and dare to copy it, you will be sent immediately to the pound, and hunted down by our legal team who will prosecute you to the full extent of the law. Our intellectual property lawyer was a pitbull in a past life.
Copyright © 1993 - 2025, Cat Faeries™