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Cat Faeries

Good behavior and robust health for the modern housecat

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Contact Cat Faeries


We DO NOT give medical advice.

We are happy to get an email from you. We enjoy hearing from nice folks and expect a friendly approach. We will not reply to hostile, rude, or vulgar emails. We cannot respond to emails which are full of typos, bad grammar, vague sentences, or strange abbreviations.

Use paragraphs. If you have a lot to tell us you must use paragraphs to separate thoughts and ideas. If you send a long mess of text we can't/won't read it and we'll send it back for you to edit and break down in to readable paragraphs.

Before you write be sure that you've read about our products and read our FAQ pages. The answers to most questions can be found there including "Learn More" which is the green box at the top right of every page.

Attention gmail users As you know gmail thinks it knows what messages you should or should not see and are notorious for tossing messages, messages you really want (like from Cat Faeries) into the Spam folder. If we need to communicate with you and you didn't see our email, and if you didn't provide a phone number there's nothing we can do.

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Cat Faeries P.O. Box

Cat Faeries
PO Box 31885
San Francisco, CA 94131

Please note that we only get to the post office about once a month. Before you send us anything email us and let us know that it's coming. Email: catfaeries at cat faeries dot com

Every bit of Cat Faeries text is original. It was written by our behaviorist and it is based upon our years of experience with every item we have carefully selected just for you. All of our text and photos are copyright protected. If you should be foolish and dare to copy it, you will be sent immediately to the pound, and hunted down by our legal team who will prosecute you to the full extent of the law. Our intellectual property lawyer was a pitbull in a past life.
Copyright © 1993 - 2025, Cat Faeries™