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Cat Faeries

Good behavior and robust health for the modern housecat

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About Anti-Icky Poo Urine Cleaner

We hear this all the time: "What I've been using isn't getting rid of the smell."

Around 1998 we started testing every urine cleaning product we could find. The one which really worked then is the one still really works now, and its Anti Icky Poo. We know of nothing better. Removing all traces of cat urine is absolutely critical and is a very important part of what you need to do to stop cats from peeing outside the box or spraying. Its a step you need to make to reclaim your home and have it smell nice again. Convivial House Cat and our flower essence formulas are amazing, but you've got to do it all, and that includes getting rid of the urine and smells or the cat will return. Believe us, our standards are very finicky, and we sell or endorse only the best. If the day ever comes that we find something better we will make the switch.

The big difference from other products is that Anti Icky Poo contains special enzymes and special friendly bacteria which actually eat the urine. Neutralizing is not enough, the urine remains, and that's just not clean or sanitary enough. Those other product might neutralize the smell for your nose, but certainly not for the cat's super sensitive nose. As long as the urine is still there your cat can still smell it - especially on a hot day. That's why you need something which eats up the urine proteins and gases, and makes cat urine gone-baby-gone!

When you order Anti Icky Poo you will get Cat Faeries own exclusive instruction guide to using it. We wrote our instruction sheet to cover a wide variety of cleaning surfaces, both indoors and outdoors.

Interestingly Anti Icky Poo also removes dog urine, human urine, vomit, blood and many more icky things from the following:

  • Sofa and chair cushions
  • Carpet
  • Hardwood floors
  • Tile floors
  • Laminated floors
  • Linoleum
  • Cement floors
  • Mattresses and pillows
  • Sleeping bags
  • Walls and baseboards
  • Doors (inside and outside)
  • Decks and porches
  • Rinse cat litter boxes with Anti Icky Poo weekly

Anti Icky Poo Reviews & Testimonials

My daughter came over today and the first thing she said was "Mom! It no longer smells like cat pee in here!" She went into every room saying things like "Mom, what did you do? It no longer smells like a kennel!" My husband and I thought we'd have to replace thousands of dollars in carpeting, but now we do not. Thank you Cat Faeries! You are right, this stuff is THE BEST!

Judy in Colorado

After spending 16 days away from home over the holidays and my house smelled almost great. My friend Diane took care of the cats and took over using Convivial House Cat and the flower essences for me while I was gone and no one peed anywhere but in the litter pans or on the plastic under/around the pans. Everything you sell are working wonderfully well for us. We are doing unbelievably great controlling the pee and odor! The boys now pee only in the litter pans. Finding you and your company was a God send to me. I thank you for the bottom of my heart and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with Peace, Love, Good Health and Prosperity,

Judy F. in Chicago

Great stuff.

Kevin W in New Jersey

The icky poo works. I used it on a mattress which I had tried everything with. I can finally have company!!!!

Jane from Sugar Land

I know its going to take a while, but I am making great progress with eliminating cat stains and odor from my home with Anti Icky Poo.


I am back from vacation and wanted to update you. I received all my products and use them faithfully. The Anti Icky Poo is phenomenal. You are right, it is the only thing that works. I love it.

As for Mr. Max. He is doing exceptionally well. He has had a couple of slips in the same area, one this morning. He went for 2 weeks without doing it. All in all, he is much calmer and I am thrilled.

I will be using the spray as long as Max is alive so you will be hearing from me in the future. I spray the 2 rooms where he peed twice a day and the other rooms occasionally as a preventative measure.

Hope all is well with you and thanks again, my home is much calmer these days. Max sometimes stays with me in the morning while I do my yoga instead of going "on patrol" looking for cats.


Wanted to let you know that I had to go out of town for a few days because my brother passed away. Normally when I return from any length of time away my house smells to high heaven. This time it didn't - yes there is still some odor; but I'm winning the battle. Luckily my best friend cares for my cats and home when I'm away and she was religious in spraying with AIP and "Thou shalt not pee here" (my name for Convivial House Cat!) .


I have shared my products with many people and you should be receiving orders from new customers. That is why I am so low on my Anti-Icky Poo. But getting the word out there about such great products is worth it.

Christina in AL

You saved my kitty's life. I was unable to handle the defecating/urinating problems my cat Stanley was doing. nothing working and I was spending more money than I could afford to try to help him. Your products actually work and I brag about them constantly, I should work for you because I was the biggest cynic of all. Thank you so much for letting all of us (4 cats and family) live happily ever after again.

Patty N.

I used this myself on cat urine...then gave it to my daughter in law to use on dog urine ...we both think it's GREAT STUFF!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!

Linda in Kansas

I have used Convivial House Cat and Icky Poo spray with the best success of anything ever. Also thanks for the suggestion of using Anti Icky Poo for laundering peed upon clothing in warm water! We have one cat that will pee on anything lying around on the floor or laundry basket with clothes in it, and the Borax totally gets the smell out. Thanks!

Cynthia in Illinois

Excellent, safe, humane products -- thank you for providing them with useful information. Our loving pets deserve loving care.

The Johnston Family

It really works - thanks so much!

Thomas in New Jersey

This stuff works! Thanks!

Lauren in New Jersey
Every bit of Cat Faeries text is original. It was written by our behaviorist and it is based upon our years of experience with every item we have carefully selected just for you. All of our text and photos are copyright protected. If you should be foolish and dare to copy it, you will be sent immediately to the pound, and hunted down by our legal team who will prosecute you to the full extent of the law. Our intellectual property lawyer was a pitbull in a past life.
Copyright © 1993 - 2025, Cat Faeries™