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Cat Faeries

Good behavior and robust health for the modern housecat

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Stop Litter Box Avoidance & Spraying. Stop Fighting. Correct Unpleasant Behaviors. Improve Cat Health

Convivial House Cat is your new best friend. It's here to solve the problems effecting many modern house cats. Using advanced quantum physics, science and nature, each bottle of Convivial House Cat is programmed with Rose and other flower essences, gem and mineral elixirs including Diamonds and Gold with their electrical energies, currents, octaves, and frequencies in structured water to correct specific unpleasant feline behaviors including spraying urine, urinating out of the box, and fighting. 100% natural!

The National Library of Medicine provides verifiable science about electrical currents and energy: "Flowers talk to bumblebees using electrical energy. If a flower hasn't been visited recently by a bee, it gives off static electricity which tugs at the tiny hairs on a bee's back letting the pollinator know which flowers still have nectar. All life has energetic electrical components and responds to it therefore flower essences work with the bodies of all living beings."

We chosen this work because of centuries of safe effective usage. Your bottle contains and holds the vibrations and frequencies, it does not contain the actual substance. It's similar to Homeopathy.

Completely Natural. Fragrance and flavor free. No risky substances. No synthetics. No Pheromones. Allergen free.

  • Stops fighting among cats
  • Cats become friendly and accept each other
  • Calms anxiety and tension
  • Halts urination outside of the box
  • Stop cats from peeing on the bed and other furniture
  • Stops urine spraying on vertical surfaces for territory marking
  • Stops cats from pooping outside of the box
  • Restores peace and harmony in your home
  • Cannot harm or discolor your carpets or walls or other belongings
  • No chemical compounds such as fragrances, pheromones, alcohol or oils - allergen free
  • Safe around babies, birds, any species of animals, sensitive or immuno-compromised people
  • Endorsed and sold by Veterinarians, feline behaviorists, and animal shelters. Cat Behavior Alliance uses and recommends our products to clients because they work.
  • Works well with Multi Cat Household, Territorial Rescue, Calm and Serene or other flower essence formulas

In 2015 we stopped using plastic seals on our bottles as our commitment to halting the plastic pollution crisis.

OUR CRYSTALS have the correct frequencies in alignment with cats to boost effectiveness. Detail below.


SPRAY ON SURFACES OR OBJECTS: Our 2oz bottle with a sprayer gives you about 600 sprays. Room spraying creates a powerful energy vortex & catalyst for change! FOOD: 1 or 2 sprays mixed in food, twice daily. WATER: 2 or 3 sprays daily in fresh water. ANOINT: A few drops in your hand to stroke ears, the top of the head, down the spine to the tail (cats love this!). CRYSTALS: Apply 1 or 2 sprays on a crystal to transfer the vibrations, learn more below. EASY TO READ INSTRUCTIONS COME WITH YOUR ORDER

Convivial House Cat - 2 fl. oz. spray bottle

"Destroyer of bad vibes! Our Secret for Reclaiming your home from naughty kitty cats!"


Add Beneficial Crystals for $32.47

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Con-viv-ial (kan’viveal) adjective
The meaning of your new favorite word! Friendly, merry, genial, sociable, amiable, congenial, agreeable, good-humored, cordial, warm, outgoing, gregarious, companionable, clubby, cheerful, jolly, jovial, lively, enjoyable, festive.

From our very happy customers about Convivial House Cat:

I'm ordering my second 8 oz refill bottle of Convivial House Cat . You have really NAILED IT!!!!!!! In the twenty years I have been rescuing & having a constant house full of cats & kittens, I have never found anything that works this well. Everyone just "loves" on each other and I have a few "die-hard" markers that couldn't stand it so they peed in the middle of the floor. . . . . . the only place I hadn't sprayed!!!!!!!! What a fabulous product. No multiple cat owner or shelter should be without it. Thank You so much for all you do for the kitties and those who care for them.

Love & Kitty Kisses
Julie & The Brats

The litter box issue between my 2 oldest cats was so bad, after 2 years of wrestling with it, I resorted to create a "Geriatric Kitty Ward". A space of their own in which I could clean & monitor them more easily. That was 7 years ago. I've been using the Convivial House Cat for a mere week. OMG! What is in this stuff? Indeed it IS Faerie Magic! For 3 days in a row, the litter box has be used faithfully. I spray their food, & THEY wait for me to spray them.

MANY Blessings upon you~

Absolutely amazing product! (Convivial House Cat) I have been using it since I received it and had no cat fights and no peeing in the sink. But then, I forgot to spray over the last week or so, and yesterday my 2 problem kitty's had a brutal fight. I proceeded to spray it again, including by my bed, and both of the kitty's slept with me through the night with just a little grumbling. PROOF it works! At least in my situation. I'll be ordering more in the next few days and I will never forget to spray it around again!

Can't thank you enough!!

Love the products (Convivial House Cat). My cats have stopped fighting and I can now sleep through the night.


Best Seller

4 bottles of legendary Convivial House Cat (2oz)

"The Cat Faerie-Godmother's Power Package!"


Add Beneficial Crystals For $29.95

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This bundle of 4 each of our 2 ounce bottles allows you to have a bottle ready to problem solve in every room in your house for consistent use!

* Keep a bottle where you prepare cat food and refresh water bowls and apply it daily

* Have another bottle where you store kitty litter or near the litter box area

* Keep a bottle close to where the cats sleep and play

* If peeing outside of the box is a problem keep a bottle near where they marked

* Have one by the coffee maker or tea kettle

* On the coffee table

* On the kitchen table

* Next to your cell phone charger

* Near your TV remote control

* On the night table or dresser

* In the bathroom where your tooth brush is

Best Seller

8 fl. oz. REFILL of Convivial House Cat - Comes with a cap.

"Our Refill Bottles Help You Keep Those Convivial Vibes Going Without Interruption!"


Add Beneficial Crystals for $29.95

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Use your original 2 oz bottle and fill from the 8 fl. oz. refill bottle to keep the good vibes and good behavior flowing. Comes with a cap not a sprayer.

Best Seller

(a set of 4)

2 - Convivial House Cat - 2 fl. oz. spray bottles
+ 1 Multi Cat Household Flower Essence Formula
+ 1 Territorial Rescue Flower Essence Formula

"Transform your cats! See them get along, being friendly & well behaved with good habits!"


Add Beneficial Crystals for $29.95

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This bundle is the absolute must-have for any home with cats which is experiencing any assortment of naughty or unpleasant behaviors. You get 2 bottles of Convivial House Cat and 2 of our most popular flower essence formulas: Multi Cat Household and Territorial Rescue.

Convivial House Cat comes with a sprayer in each bottle. If you want misters for the flower essences they are at the bottom of the page.

Mister for 2 fl. oz. Flower Essence Bottles


Cat Faeries is on hiatus.
During this time orders cannot be placed.

These misters/sprayers our 2 oz bottles - they do not fit the 4 ounce bottles.


Crystals selected to support health and behavior with frequencies that match our products!

"Old rocks - new tricks! Ancient stones for modern house cats!"


Cat Faeries is on hiatus.
During this time orders cannot be placed.

Our crystals increase the effectiveness of Convivial House Cat and all of our Flower Essences for Cats. They support the good life!


GOLDEN HEALER QUARTZ POINT (one each) grade AA. Measures around 2 inches in length. Nice points! We are SO excited to tell you that the Golden Healers are back! This form of quartz crystal is considered to be "the healer's choice." Professional energy healers often reach for a Golden Healer first. Golden Healers are found in shades of yellow/orange ranging from pale to light or dark golden. Quartz are the most healing form of crystals on the planet and these particular crystals which get their sacred coloration from pockets of iron oxide deposited where they grew increasing the quartz crystal benefits from their glowing and healing colors. Iron is known for it's grounding abilities. These remarkable stones hold and beam the pure golden ray of light for self-healing. They also invoke Christ consciousness which sends powerful healing currents to benefit and heal the body, mind and spirit. This unusual and uncommon form Quartz can also be used in meditations for global healing and peace – something we desperately need, now more than ever. Imagine yourself and your cat glowing with golden light, at peace and full of calm, love and good health.

HEART SHAPED CRYSTALS (two each) When crystals or gemstones are carved into heart shapes they open the heart and mind to the endless possibilities of healing and behavioral changes. We have an assortment of heart shaped carved stones from around the world. When you order we consider what exactly you ordered and select the heart shaped crystals to best serve you and your cats. Our collection includes Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Lapis, and Sodalite. Their roundish shapes can “mirror” or reflect away negative states, conditions, or behaviors, but can also direct desired states, conditions, or behaviors towards the intended cat! Opening the heart and the field surrounding it aids in self-healing of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual conditions. The frequencies of the heart shapes are in perfect harmony with our vibrational products and they work beautifully with the Golden Healers.

Why does my tail switch so?

Every bit of Cat Faeries text is original. It was written by our behaviorist and it is based upon our years of experience with every item we have carefully selected just for you. All of our text and photos are copyright protected. If you should be foolish and dare to copy it, you will be sent immediately to the pound, and hunted down by our legal team who will prosecute you to the full extent of the law. Our intellectual property lawyer was a pitbull in a past life.
Copyright © 1993 - 2024, Cat Faeries™