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Cat Faeries

Good behavior and robust health for the modern housecat

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FAQ: Convivial House Cat & Flower Essences

Do flower essences or Convivial House Cat smell pretty?

No, they are not meant to. Convivial House Cat and flower essences, also called flower remedies are sometimes confused with essential oils or aromatherapy products. But they are not even remotely similar.

Essential oils are the volatile oils which were extracted or distilled from a plant therefore they have a scent. They are also regarded by a growing number of professionals as unsafe or very risky when applied to small animals such as cats, and even to children. Auntie Cat Faerie had become interested in essential oil therapy in 1982 and acquired 5 certifications in their usage. But by 1991 for many reasons she became disillusioned and abandoned this work completely. There is a very eye opening book called Essentially Deadly by April Graham. If you can overlook her atrocious grammar the book is a revelation and she backs up with what she has to say with scientific journal research. To make essential oils a huge amount of plant material must be grown and picked and used to distill the oils and we feel this is not the best way to honor or work with plants not to mention the disastrous effects this has on the environment.

Some of these words are new to me. I've never heard of flower essences, flower remedies, vibrational medicine, or energy medicine.

Flower essences are sometimes called flower remedies - the two phrases mean the same thing, the products are the same.

Vibrational medicine and energy medicine are the same thing. It can be said that we work with the vibration of a substance, or that we work with the energy of the substance.

Flower essences are a "cousin" of Homeopathy. Homeopathy and flower essences are both vibrational and energy medicine.

This means that when you ingest either you are taking the vibration of a substance not the actual substance itself. In Homeopathy you are ingesting a dilution of a substance. This dilution was achieved by a process called succussion. During succussion a homeopathic remedy is diluted so much that none of the original substance is present - just its energy or vibration.

With flower essences we imprint the vibration of each flower in water. No dilution or succussion is performed. We work with a transference of energy or vibration.

Therefore there are no active-ingredients in either a homeopathic product or a flower essence.

Fascinating, tell me more!

Flower essences do not create side effects or have adverse reactions. The "essence of" and "vibration of" a flower has been captured in, or suspended in, or melded with water. Water can hold energy and thoughts.

When you take an herb you are ingesting the actual plant material. When you take an allopathic medicine (drugs made by pharmaceutical companies) you are ingesting substances. Herbs and drugs have or are active-ingredients, flower essences do not. Be sure to also read About Flower Essences for more detail and the history of this incredible modality.

Tell me about your flower essence formulas for cats

When we create our blends for cats we take into consideration our unique feline friends and approached it from their view of the world. We know that every species has certain things bother them or are a problem for them so we go beyond our human perspectives to discover and create formulas to benefit feline. We always work with the Deva of Cats and The Soul Council of Cats when we formulate our formulas for cats.

What exactly is in each bottle?

Activated structured water with the frequency and energy imprint of a specific flower or plant from our pharmacy of several hundred single essences including many wild, rare, and hybrid roses which have the highest frequencies of any other flower. We begin each formula with one base rose which is listed where we describe the formula's benefits. To that base rose we add additional flowers and elixirs of gemstones Our formulas for cats are very complex recipes which change as we learn about or acquire new flower essences. The formulas evolve as we evolve, and believe it or not, they can even evolve in the bottles you bought from us.

Does it take a leap of faith for these intriguing products to work?

Perhaps when they are new to you. While it's helpful to have faith that they are working it's not necessary. Plenty of our customers start as skeptics, but they don't stay that way for very long! It's been proven that flower essences work in animals and young children who have no preconceived bias either way.

Convivial House Cat and our flower essence formulas are not some weird new age placebo or gimmick. Doctors world wide are embracing their use as patients demand it. Flower essences are not new, we've read documentation that the Paracelsus, the Egyptians, Aboriginals, and Druids used them. Archaeologists know that in most cultures waters were gathered for various healing purposes. Throughout the ages people might have sipped the morning dew off whatever flowers were favored or growing nearby. We hear from people all the time who tell us that they don't understand how or why they work, just that they do!

I've seen Bach Flowers at my health food store. Are yours the same thing?

Yes and no. They are both flower essences where flowers were picked and set in bowls of water in sunshine. We NEVER do that because it angers and insults the flowers and plants. They don't like being picked, used, then discarded like trash. Our work is radically different. With regard to Bach flowers we feel are very outdated and limited, and that they do not adequately address modern beings and modern life. We work exclusively with our own single essences for create our formulas. We respect the work of Dr Edward Bach and his place in history, but we don't recommend Bach Flowers which was sold to a corporation years ago.

Bach flowers consist of only 38 flowers which was fine in the 1920's when they were developed, but times and needs change. Our collection of flower essences grows as we discover other flowers and learn how their diversity can address more situations. We work with a wide range of flowers, from common wildflowers to exotic flowers. And our collection grows larger all the time!

So, when you make your essences are you not harming the plant by picking the flowers? Cool!

Most flower essence producers use the "pick method" which is when flowers are picked at their peak, usually midday, then they are infused in bowls of water in sunlight. Cat Faeries does not do this, we don't need to, we work with flowers and plants in a reverent manner which gives us access to the healing benefits of plants which might be rare or endangered. Nature spirits, Devas, and Angels imprint the energy of a flower into our waters. There are only a handful of us worldwide who work at this deep and spiritual of a level

Do you know of Dr Masaru Emoto's work?

Oh yes! In 2001 Auntie Cat Faerie was invited to work with the late Dr. Emoto on a special project in San Francisco where our group energetically transferred specific intentions to a vessel of water located 30 miles away in Sausalito. Yes! It worked! When we met him he kindly wrote "love and gratitude" in Japanese lettering on a bottle for us! We use this bottle and water in our work so that the Love and Gratitude Hado crystals are imprinted in the water of every bottle! Even before reading his work and meeting Dr Emoto we spoke to our waters. Lovingly, flowery speech is what they adore!

We speak to waters all the time and expose them to sounds and music frequencies which they love. We revere water and fight to keep our water safe and clean. You can talk to water too. Try this: when doing dishes tell the water you are grateful for it, love it, respect it, and that where it goes next on it's journey that it hold the memory of your love and loving words so that it can be pure, healthful, pollution free, and be of benefit to others. We do this in the shower and bath, when washing our hands, washing our food and clothing. We try to send good thoughts with water when it leaves us.

Are flower essences safe? Will they clash with other medication I might be taking or giving to my cat?

They are absolutely safe! And completely safe for all beings. The flowers want to help us, not hurt us. To our knowledge there are no recorded instances of flower essences causing harm to anyone

Flower essences may be used for people, animals, children, and plants. They have been used for centuries. They will not interfere for any other form of medicine or health care. But when in doubt always check with your veterinarian or other health care professionals.

How often do I use my Convivial House Cat and the flower essence formulas?

For chronic problems, generally daily until the desired result has occurred. We suggest using them 2 or 3 times a day. For acute problems every 15 minutes or so until the upset has passed or the situation has changed.

Is Convivial House Cat and the flower essences a one time thing, or a forever thing?

It can be either. It depends upon the problem or situation we are trying to correct or relieve. One dose of a flower essence is rarely enough. And there are not too many people who don't have a vast array of issues, problems, difficulties etc to work on! There's always something that needs healing or improving.

What is the shelf life?

The label on your bottle has an expiration date. However, we have bottles that we bought in 1980 which are still viable!

Where do I store them?

In a cabinet or drawer. We say to keep them out of direct sunlight, which is ideal, but not always possible. If you leave a bottle out for a few days, its no big deal. We just don't want you to store them on a window sill. It's also best to not store them next to your computer.

What about contamination?

As long as you don't let debris fall into your bottle, and if you can keep bottles way from direct sunlight for long periods of time, as well as keep them away from computers or other electromagnetic fields they'll be fine! You also don't want the glass dropper to touch anything.

My mister or eye dropper fell on the floor, is it contaminated?

Don't panic! If your mister or dropper ever touches fingers or the ground simply remove the glass part from the dropper and rinse both under running filtered water. Reconnect them, give them one final rinse then return to the bottle. Ask your bottle to continue to be free and clear of any vibrational contamination or outside influences. Your wish will be granted!

Why do you use glass droppers? Is it safe to put a glass dropper in a cat's mouth?

We use glass droppers because we hate plastic. Plastic's chemicals can leach out into your flower essences and we sure don't want that!

It is NOT safe to put a glass dropper into a cat's mouth, or any animal's mouth. They are meant to do into food, water or be sprayed around the house.

Due to the nature of these vibrational remedies there can be no returns.

Every bit of Cat Faeries text is original. It was written by our behaviorist and it is based upon our years of experience with every item we have carefully selected just for you. All of our text and photos are copyright protected. If you should be foolish and dare to copy it, you will be sent immediately to the pound, and hunted down by our legal team who will prosecute you to the full extent of the law. Our intellectual property lawyer was a pitbull in a past life.
Copyright © 1993 - 2025, Cat Faeries™