Popular Bundles

4 bottles of legendary Convivial House Cat (2oz)
"The Cat Faerie-Godmother's Power Package!"
This bundle of 4 each of our 2 ounce bottles allows you to have a bottle ready to problem solve in every room in your house for consistent use!
* Keep in a bottle in multiple rooms or floors of the house including the kitchen, living room, TV room, your bedroom
* Keep a bottle where you keep the cat food or kitty litter
* Next to your cell phone charger

(a set of 4)
2 - Convivial House Cat - 2 fl. oz. spray bottles
+ 1 Multi Cat Household Flower Essence Formula
+ 1 Territorial Rescue Flower Essence Formula
"Transform your cats! See them get along, being friendly & well behaved with good habits!"
This bundle is the absolute must-have for any home with cats which is experiencing any assortment of naughty or unpleasant behaviors. You get 2 bottles of Convivial House Cat and 2 of our most popular flower essence formulas: Multi Cat Household and Territorial Rescue.
Convivial House Cat comes with a sprayer in each bottle. If you want misters for the flower essences they are at the bottom of the page.

(a set of 3) I Love My Litter Box (comes w/a mister top) and Multi Cat Household and Territorial Rescue "Reclaim your home from feisty felines!"
2 fl oz
Bottles come with droppers. Misters are sold at the bottom of the page.
(a set of 2) Kidney Kitty and Elder Support "Defy aging, you are fabulous at any age!
Each bottle is 2 fl. oz.
To support a very long happy life.
Comes with droppers. Misters are sold at the bottom of the page.

(a set of 2) Limbic System Re-Wire and and DNA Support "The 'gene genie' is here to help re-boot and reset!"
Each bottle is 2 fl. oz.
The perfect duo to correct deep seated emotional or physical conditions and disorders particularly for any formerly abused cat or any cat born feral or in less than ideal situations.
Bottles have droppers. Misters are sold at the bottom of the page.