I wonder who has the nicest touch – the professional massage therapist or her feline assistant? Both massage specialists are sure to be very therapeutic!
Almost four million views!
I wonder who has the nicest touch – the professional massage therapist or her feline assistant? Both massage specialists are sure to be very therapeutic!
Almost four million views!
A beautiful Siamese cat answers all of her human’s questions!
Two million views!
Cat loves his little boy and is telling him “Shut off that noise and put that phone down, pay attention to ME ME ME!”
It took this rambunctious cat five homes to find just the right person to love and appreciate her wild antics! Clearly those other five homes were not Cat Faeries customers because our customers would love a cat like this!
Over four million views!
A kitten got stuck inside a spring under a truck. The driver drove for 50 miles before he heard little meows. When the cat was discovered it still took him three hours to get the spring out of the truck and save the kitten. Remarkably the little kitty was OK and actually doesn’t look too worn out from the ordeal!
23 million views!
Grab a few tissues and watch a fire fighter revive and save a kitten’s life!
5 million views.
Mog is a long time children’s book star in England and in this Christmas 2015 video you can enjoy the adorable and mischief making Mog the cat, the delightful special effects, and carry the holiday spirit into the new year. Fun fact for Americans: In the UK housecats are called moggies.
30 million views!
Another hilarious and well done video where a human pretends to be a cat!
A very determined gray cat and her pie!
6 million views for this!
If you ever feel that people are rotten just watch this video about a group coming together to spend 33 hours rescuing a kitten! You’ll shed tears and gain optimism!
18 million views for this!