This super short video features a cat who just ate his dinner (of course leaving behind the icky green stuff on the plate!). The cat’s eyes are what to watch, and then there’s the great 1960’s spy movie music!
This super short video features a cat who just ate his dinner (of course leaving behind the icky green stuff on the plate!). The cat’s eyes are what to watch, and then there’s the great 1960’s spy movie music!
For all of you cultured cats out there, this is for you! Sing kitties, sing!
Duetto buffo di due gatti – G. A. Rossini
This video of a cat and a bird sends out a few messages!
1) Stay cool in the face of a potential threat
2) Not everyone wants to eat you
3) Friends come in all shapes, sizes, and species
4) Never stop being curious!
5) Don’t forget to breathe!
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