One very smart cat has figured out how to hold a fishing pole to play with another cat! Imagine if they had opposable thumbs what they could do! (Rule the world!)
400,000 views for this.
One very smart cat has figured out how to hold a fishing pole to play with another cat! Imagine if they had opposable thumbs what they could do! (Rule the world!)
400,000 views for this.
This is the cutest “Feed me NOW” video ever!
1.7 million views!
We all knew that cats rule! See a cat walk the dog! This dog knows that resistance is futile!
1.8 million views for this!
Cats love to teach us things. Today’s lesson: physics!
Cats are very smart about computers and very willing to help. How do your cats help you?
It’s a global conspiracy. Cats everywhere are stealing the family dog’s bed! The solution? Buy a Faerie Cat Bed from Cat Faeries just for cats! (
This cool cat needs a recording contract!
Why dogs fail as home security systems! And how cats win!
(A cute compilation video with 7 million views.)
Coco the mama-cat teaches gives us 10 ways to teach children – very sweet!
Oh those cats! They always get their way! They also will squeeze themselves into a tiny little box or bed OR they stretch out on something big so that no one else can share it (like a dog’s bed or your bed!).