Cat Video: Little Kitten Copies Mother

Mom cat is a great teacher, and her kitten is a great student! Kitty See / Kitty Do!

64 million views!


Cat Video: Cute Calico Kitten Loves Playing With Her Tail

Tiny calico kitten loves to chew on her tail!

Over 39 million views for this!


Cat Video: Rescued Piglet and Kitten Find Peace in One Another

This is the second video of a pig and cat being affectionate with each other to cross our path. Animals can inspire us every day about how to coexist.

Over one million views.


Cat Video: Kitten Trapped in Storm Drain Rescued After 33 Hour Effort

If you ever feel that people are rotten just watch this video about a group coming together to spend 33 hours rescuing a kitten! You’ll shed tears and gain optimism!

18 million views for this!


Cat Videos: Horror Movies Remade with Kittens – Cute!

Get ready to scream and laugh because kittens recreate classic horror movies! Great visuals, great music and sound. At the end the real horror is discovered: Too many cats don’t get homes – adopt a shelter cat or kitten!

6 million views for this!


Cat Video: Crazy Fast Cats on a Treadmill

Wondering how many miles per hour these cats are doing? They are going so fast that they look like big cats in the jungle!

10 million views for this!


Cat Video: A Kitten and Her Guard Dog

A beautiful video of a kitten and her sweet guard dog.

One million views for this.


Cat Video: Kitten Getting Milk Right From a Cow

Kitten is a raw milk crusader! She loves it healthy, right from the cow! Aren’t her blue eyes stunning?