Cat Video: A Kitten and a Peacock

A kitten thinking that a male peacock is one big walking cat toy!

Over one million views!


Cat Video: Hike Turns Into Kitten Rescue

While on a hike abandoned kittens are found and rescued. A happy ending!

11 million views for this!


Cat Video: Kitten vs. Dog’s Wagging Tail

Who do you think is more excited and having the most fun? The kitten or the dog who’s wagging his tail to entertain the kitten?

13 million views!


Cat Video: Kitten vs. The Kitten In The Mirror

Kitten and mirror battle it out, which one will win?

Two and a half million views!


Cat Video: Sweet Kitten Trapped Under Truck for 50 Miles

A kitten got stuck inside a spring under a truck. The driver drove for 50 miles before he heard little meows. When the cat was discovered it still took him three hours to get the spring out of the truck and save the kitten. Remarkably the little kitty was OK and actually doesn’t look too worn out from the ordeal!

23 million views!


Cat Video: Firefighter Saves Kitten’s Life

Grab a few tissues and watch a fire fighter revive and save a kitten’s life!

5 million views.


Cat Video: Crazy Kitten and Mellow Turtle

Crazy kitten tries to get mellow tortoise to play her games!

14 million views…